[netcdfgroup] Error with large filesizes


I am using netCDF-fortran-4.1.1 with netCDF-4.3.2. I get an error 'Bad
chunk sizes' when the 3D data size is more than a certain number.

I am unable to understand the cause of this error.

My OS is CentOS 6.6. The errors are the same even if is use netCDF (v
4.1.1) supplied by the CentOS community.

i am attaching a minimal example. Please let me know if there are any
errors from my side.



Samrat Rao
Research Associate
Engineering Mechanics Unit
Jawaharlal Centre for Advanced Scientific Research
Bangalore - 560064, India
program nc_test

   use netcdf

   implicit none

   integer, parameter :: &
      r8 = selected_real_kind(12), &
      imax = 770, &
      jmax = 1682, &
      kmax = 1682
   integer :: &
      ncid, x_dimid, y_dimid, z_dimid, fld_id, &
      deflate_level, dimids(3), chunksizes(3), indices(6), &
   real(r8), allocatable :: &

   allocate( fld(kmax,jmax,imax),stat=ierr )
   call random_number( fld )

   call nc_check( nf90_create('nc_test_large.nc',nf90_netcdf4,ncid) )

   call nc_check( nf90_def_dim(ncid,'i',imax,x_dimid) )
   call nc_check( nf90_def_dim(ncid,'j',jmax,y_dimid) )
   call nc_check( nf90_def_dim(ncid,'k',kmax,z_dimid) )

   dimids = [z_dimid,y_dimid,x_dimid]
   chunksizes(1) = kmax; chunksizes(2) = jmax; chunksizes(3) = imax
   deflate_level = 1
   indices = [1,imax,1,jmax,1,kmax]

   call nc_check( nf90_def_var(ncid,'fld',nf90_double,dimids, &
                 fld_id,chunksizes=chunksizes, &
                 shuffle=.true.,deflate_level=deflate_level) )
   call nc_check( nf90_put_att(ncid,fld_id,"U velocity",indices) )

   call nc_check( nf90_put_var(ncid,fld_id,fld) )
   call nc_check( nf90_close(ncid) )

   deallocate( fld )



subroutine nc_check( stat )

!  Routine to check if netCDF calls work

   implicit none
   integer, intent(in) :: &
      stat ! Status

   if( stat /= nf90_noerr ) then
      write(*,*)'nc_check: ',trim( nf90_strerror(stat) )
      call abort
   end if


end subroutine nc_check

end program nc_test
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