[netcdfgroup] Attributes for dimension variables?

Dear colleagues
Probably silly questions but...
Is it possible to have metadata/attributes for Dimensions?

We are creating netcdf files and wish to describe the sometimes cryptic'ly named Dimension variables somewhere in the netcdf file itself (since it's supposed to be self-describing). We could put it in the Global Attributes section but that may be too "far away" from where the Dimension variables are located in the ncdump output.

Also, is it bad practice to type long-winded descriptions in Attributes as in the example below?

netcdf y {
        latitude = 157 ;
        longitude = 288 ;
        time = UNLIMITED ; // (61 currently)
        nn = 44; // Any way to provide more description of this dimension?

        float DIRSW_surface(time, latitude, longitude) ;
                DIRSW_surface:_FillValue = 9.999e+20f ;
                DIRSW_surface:short_name = "DIRSW_surface" ;
                DIRSW_surface:long_name = "Secondary Wave Direction" ;
                DIRSW_surface:units = "deg" ;
DIRSW_surface:notes = "this is an example of a long attribute to explain in greater detail what this variable is about. Sit an nominavi eloquentiam. Ad decore signiferumque mea. Nostrud ocurreret salutatus id sit. Ferri assueverit no vim. Vix ea labore scribentur, pri integre nonumes eligendi in, id duo veniam honestatis. Eu eruditi delectus pri. Labores veritus blandit te mei. Id reque utroque euripidis pro. Moderatius argumentum in vix, cu cum mucius maluisset forensibus, enim audire utamur ius eu. Ei illud porro congue eum, ei nec errem putent atomorum. Ut ridens blandit eos, ne reque suavitate mel. Et duo consul essent persequeris. Ne wisi facilis vis, maiorum singulis vis an. At eum solum justo, verear dolores similique quo ut, graece aliquid cotidieque ad quo. Duo an facete voluptatum." ;

Tropical Marine Science Institute

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