[netcdfgroup] Record Dimension Question

I have what I am sure is a very basic question but I couldn't figure out how to 
search the archives for it, and the documentation left me befuddled.

I am trying to pass a netCDF3v1 file through a virus detector-like software 
(more like a firewall-like thing)  that checks for a few things to ascertain 
the file is really a netCDF3 file.  The file is global lon x lat x time (1 time 
step) with 4 variables.

So I've done an octal dump on the file and I'm curious about the value that is 
supposed to be in bytes 4-7, where bytes 0-3 are "C-D-F-1".  Appendix B in the 
user's guide says these bytes are the numrecs=length of the record dimension.  
What is that?  The unlimited dimension?  My example file has "1" at byte 7, the 
example in the user's guide has 0.  My intuition tells me that for my file, 
time is considered the record dimension, but it would also be OK to have 0 
record dimensions in this file if I don't intend to append to it.

Is my understanding correct?

Kevin Havener, DAFC, 14WS/WXED

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