Re: [netcdfgroup] NetCDF OPeNDAP , R and Windows

Hi Bill:

Certainly for awhile,  the R package ncdf4 on Windows did not support OpeNDAP,  
but I thought the most recent version did (I may well be mistaken),  but David 
Pierce is the authoritative source on this,  so I have copied him on this,  as 
this is more an R issue than a netcdf issue.

Just out of curiosity,  from a Windows machine have you tried accessing an 
OPeNDAP server that doesn't include a port number?


> On Jun 13, 2017, at 10:47 AM, Capehart, William J 
> <William.Capehart@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello All:
> I have undergrad students working with the R package with tablet PCs running 
> Windows that are issued by the university via RStudio since that is what they 
> will be trained on when they take their stats coursework.  I am trying to set 
> things up so they can access data from our OPeNDAP server.  
> However, when windows runs it they are hit with the following error (which I 
> also get on my windows build).
> Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
> Error in nc_open(filename = URL_85) :
>   Error in nc_open trying to open file 
> This happens with other OPeNDAP-strored files as well.
> All is well when working in the unix environment.  Windows, not so much.
> I have JFGI’ed for solutions that don’t involve Cygwin and am not finding 
> much of a solution.
> Is the problem with the developer of the R package or is the Windows 
> libraries not OPeNDAP-compatible by virtue of existing on the Windows side of 
> the game. 
> Otherwise is there a solution that does not require downloading everything?
> (And yes, I’ve pounded the table bringing in Macs as an official species of 
> laptop.  They keep saying no.)
> Cheers and Thanks Much
> ------------------------------------------------
> Bill Capehart <William.Capehart@xxxxxxxxx>
> Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences Program Coordinator
> Civil and Environmental Engineering
> 201 Mineral Industries Building
> South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
> 501 East St Joseph Street
> Rapid City, SD 57701-3995
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