Re: [netcdfgroup] nccopy and redirect - based authorization

  • To: Antonio S. Cofiño <cofinoa@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [netcdfgroup] nccopy and redirect - based authorization
  • From: "ashwin .D" <winash12@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2017 09:29:35 +0530
Dear Antonio,
                      Thank you so much for the effort in doing this. I am
extremely grateful given that they are so few who are actually using this
and you are somebody who has always encouraged me to use nccopy for over a
year now ! I am using netcdf-c-4.5-rc1 i.e. the latest netCDF version. I
added this line to my .dodsrc file -


and I still get the same error . Yes I totally agree about the instructions
on the UCAR site. I have an open ticket with the support netcdf and I just
hope they are able to figure this one out.

I am enclosing the logs turned on with HTTP.VERBOSE. As you can see the

* Server auth using Basic with user 'k,ŷ~'

it should say winash12@xxxxxxxxx. So it is still not picking the username
from .netrc or the .dodsrc file.

Best wishes,

On Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 5:46 PM, Antonio S. Cofiño <cofinoa@xxxxxxxxx>

> Dear Ashwin,
> I have tested and it's working depending on the netcdf library version
> you are using.
> With the version 4.1.3 (Ubuntu 14.04 repository package) the only way it's
> embedding the credentials in the URI:
> $ ncdump -h "https://YourUsernameUriEncoded:YourPassword@xxxxxxxxxxxx/
> thredds/dodsC/files/g/ds083.2/grib1/2000/2000.02/fnl_20000201_06_00.grib1"
> For netcdf library version, compiled from source, the embedded
> credentials on URI it's working.
> If you create a .dodsrc on your working directory or $HOME with your
> credentials
> $ cat .dodsrc
> $ ncdump -h "
> 2000/2000.02/fnl_20000201_06_00.grib1"
> <>
> and refering the .netrc file from your .dodsrc, both can be at your
> working or $HOME directory
> $ cat .netrc
> machine login YourUsername password YourPassword
> $ cat .dodsrc
> HTTP.NETRC=.netrc
> $ ncdump -h "
> 2000/2000.02/fnl_20000201_06_00.grib1"
> <>
> I hope this helps.
> Antonio
> P.S.: The instructions on the UCAR blog about configuring authentication
> are worthless with respect to the cookie parameteres. This is because UCAR
> authentication service it's not using them.
> On 22/08/17 19:41, ashwin .D wrote:
> >Dear Ashwin,
> >Attached you can find a working example for the ESGF opendap endpoints.
> >You can put it on your working directory (the HOME also it's valid)
> >If the opendap endpoint it's not using SSL security you can ignore the 
> entries.
> >If you are having troubles you can enable the HTTP.VERBOSE
> >Regards
> >Antonio
> Dear Antonio,
>              Many thanks for giving me your .dodsrc file. I added a couple of 
> the lines from your .dodsrc file and tried it out and
> and I still get the same error. Have you tried downloading from the UCAR site 
> recently ?
> Best regards,
> Ashwin.
> On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 8:12 AM, ashwin .D <winash12@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hello,
>>          Has anybody been able to use nccopy with redirect-based
>> authorization and download a netCDF file ? I am referring to this -
>> points-with.html and I get a authorization failed error even though I
>> have an appropriate .netrc file as well as dodsrc file. Using standard
>> python and netCDF python I am able to read http request and response of
>> metadata pages on RDA - it is only nccopy that is failing. Does anybody
>> have a working example of nccopy with this redirect-based authorization ?
>> Best,
>> Ashwin.
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Attachment: logs
Description: Binary data


import shlex

import subprocess

import re

from datetime import date,datetime,timedelta

from urllib.request import urlopen

import math

url = 

outputFileName = ""

command_list = shlex.split('nccopy -k 4 '+url+' '+ outputFileName)


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