Re: [noaaport] Noaaport Compile Issues CentOS 5.9 and sys/types

On Wed, 6 Mar 2013, Eric Hudish wrote:

Has anyone reported compiling issues with the noaaport package + latest LDM packages?

We have a new host and have run into compile issues, I believe simply
related to the make process since LDM compiles just fine, but noaaport is
failing when it gets to read_multicast with errors it doesn't understand
'u_int' and other sys/types. Again, since LDM was just fine, and noaaport
is failing, I believe this is something up front with the compile/make sequence.

I've run into something similar with GEMPAK before but was just wondering if there was a fix floating in the community somewhere.

If you are running an older Debian version and are compiling LDM 6.10.X
or later, it's a known issue. If youa re running a current OS, it has to be a lib dependency issue. I have had no problems compiling it on CentOS


Gilbert Sebenste                                                    ********
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