[nws-changes] 20081113: NESDIS Outage

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*Update *

Outage is postponed until 8pm today.
New time will be Tuesday, November 13, 2008 from 8:00PM to 8:30PM EDT.

*Details of the Outage*

*Hardware related issue on an distribution router also
affected the primary core router causing loss of connectivity.

The NOC will be powering down the distribution router and replacing with a new hardware at 8:00AM on Thursday November 13, 2008.
This Upgrade will require an approximate 30 Minute Window (8:00 AM until
8:30 AM EST).

The NOC will be monitoring both the distribution and core router throughout the

If you have any questions or concerns, email the NOC at noc@xxxxxxxx or
call us at (301) 713-0600. Please refer to NOC Ticket #13223.

NOAA Office of the CIO
NOC Network Operations Center

*Areas Affected by the Outage

*- Web Operations Center (WOC)
- VPN Tunnels and Remote access Users

*Date and Time of the Outage

*11/13/2008 1300 UTC/ 0800 AM EST

*Length of the Outage

*Outage should last no more than 30 minutes total
outage from 8:00-8:30AM
*Contact Point for Questions: *

ESPC Operations OCL (Operations Crew Leader), 301-817-3880

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