[python-users] MetPy 2D calculations changes


If anyone out there is using the 2D, gradient-based calculations in MetPy
(h_convergence, v_vorticity, advection, geostrophic_wind), we're examining
switching the expected array order from X,Y to Y,X. The short version is
that the current ordering (while conventional mathematically) is hard to
get right with almost every gridded data set we can find and you're more
likely to get the wrong answer (because it will quietly take data ordered
X,Y and give the wrong results); it's also inconsistent with the
CF-conventions, as well as matplotlib plotting. For more details, and to
offer feedback, see:


I'd also love to hear from anyone who is currently using these functions,
just to get an idea of their use (and if they're actually being used

This is a likely API change for 0.6 (expected this summer). I also plan to
go ahead and put something forward compatible in 0.5.1 (expected in a
little over a week).


Ryan May, Ph.D.
Software Engineer
Boulder, CO
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