Re: source code and building problem

Hi Fabrizio,

I think John already responded to this email but it didn't go to the THREDDS list so I thought I would respond again so the list would know what was going on.

We are working on reorganizing the THREDDS release process and on getting out a new release. Once we are done we will make a new thredds.jar, thredds.war, and available. One thing about the upcoming release is that the THREDDS server will contain an OPeNDAP netCDF server but it will not include the OPeNDAP aggregation server. The capabilities of the aggregation server will be folded into the THREDDS OPeNDAP netCDF server in a future release. In the mean time, we are still supporting the existing aggregation server.

Sorry about the confusion with the 2.0d and 3.0 releases and their not having all the jar, war, zip files.


Fabrizio Paolucci wrote:

We are trying to compile from source.
We have some problem, we don't know what is the stable
lastest version of the source file.
Where's the source code of the 2.0d of thredds server?
We may think that the lastest is 3.0, in the ftp site
there is this version
but this package don't compile. It seems that some
methods called in source code aren't implemented in
the relative class (i.e. method getInternalName in
NcDataset class and other...). Probably the source
code downloaded isn't fully updated in all
components,but where are we making the mistakes??
Thank you for your attention. Best regards.
Fabrizio Paolucci, Leda Pecci

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