Re: testing your metadata in DLESE - realtime data

ok, i will let you know when i have that fixed.

Kathryn Ginger wrote:

I have loaded the THREDDS realtime data metadata records on the preaccession area of DLESE in order to give you and us an idea of how such a data collection appears in DLESE. See

You will only see the brief display. When you click on full description you will get page not found. The reason for this is that we take the id (not filename) from the ADN record and do some URL spoofing that uses the id as part of the URL.

The ADN records I harvested from you have ids like:


So the : and particularly the slash play havoc with the URL spoofing that we do. In the ADN record, the XML elment in question is the entry attribute on the catalog element:

<catalog entry="edu.ucar.unidata:NCEP/RUC/CONUS_80km">THREDDS-motherlode</catalog>

Is there any way you can change these ids to exclude the slashes and colons? Maybe change them to dashes?


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