[THREDDS #WTK-608182]: THREDDS 3.12

Hi Roy,

> Thanks for the info.  I am also interested in the response to Rich
> Signell about netcdfserver - so we could add netcdfserver
> capabilities to our  THREDDS? There is a web page that says:
> From the page: http://motherlode.ucar.edu:9080/thredds/docs/NetcdfServer.html
> The NetCDF Server is a web service for subsetting gridded CDM
> datasets. It outputs NetCDF-3 files in CF format. So far, we just
> have it working on the IDD/NCEP grib datasets.
> so we have not tried.  Th esyntax hasseveral advantages over the WCS
> syntax as it now stands.

I think that last sentence about IDD/NCEP GRIB data means that we have only 
tested it on the that data. I don't think it means that it won't work for other 
gridded datasets that the netCDF-java library understands.

So, I would give it a try. If you run into any problems, let us know.


Ticket Details
Ticket ID: WTK-608182
Department: Support THREDDS
Priority: Normal
Status: Open

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