Re: New Model Ag Service for TDS

we now have our GFS (1 degree lat/lon native) on the TDS as well
These won't be aggregated, until we have the
next version of TDS.


Jennifer Adams wrote the following on 8/16/2006 3:39 PM:
> On Aug 16, 2006, at 3:26 PM, John Caron wrote:
>> The development branch of netcdf-java (2.2.17) has some new routines
>> to deal with these more complicated grids, but i assume you need the C
>> library? If so, thats a long way off.
> Yes, GrADS source is written in C. The external libs it links with have
> some C++ code. Java is not in the mix at the moment.
>> I wont be back in the office until monday, but then i will put up a
>> dataset that uses lat/lon, eg one of the GFS global models.
> Thanks, John! That would simplify things and make it easier to test all
> the 1D time versions of the aggregated data sets.
> Jennifer

Dan Swank <dan.swank@xxxxxxxx>
NOMADS Project:  Software & Data Management
Contractor - STG, Incorporated
Veach-Baley Federal Building
151 Patton Avenue
Asheville, NC 28801-5001
Phone: 828-271-4007

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