Re: TDS datasetScan and Service

Hi Benoit,

I'm afraid there isn't a way for the datasetScan to produce different paths for the same dataset depending on the nested service. The datasetScan was not designed with this in mind. Actually, nested services weren't designed with this in mind either. When a nested service is referenced by a dataset, the same urlPath is always used on all the nested services.

This can be represented in a THREDDS catalog by using multiple <access> elements in each dataset. Each <access> element references a service and provides a urlPath so each one can be controlled however you like. However, datasetScan doesn't generate <access> elements and we don't have any other ways to automatically generate this kind of dataset

More detail on the <access> element is available at

Hope this helps,


Benoit GORDET wrote:

Hello there,

  I'm new in working with TDS, and i need your help.
I use a datasetScan element, and i try to have many different services access. I use nested service:

<service name="multiple" serviceType="Compound" base="" >
<service name="thisDODS" serviceType="OPENDAP" base="/thredds/dodsC/" /> <service name="CORftp" serviceType="FTP" base="ftp://ext-ifr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/coriolis/data/CORT-GLOBAL-01/oa/field/"; suffix=".bz2"/> <service name="CORlas" serviceType="LAS" base=""; /> <service name="CORweb" serviceType="WebForm" base=""; />


<datasetScan location="/global/salinity/weekly/CORT-GLOBAL-01/" path="PSAL" name="Salinity" serviceName="multiple" />

The access results for the data (exemple of a founded data in the directory scanned) is logically:

  1. OPENDAP: http://rhsism11:8080/thredds/dodsC/PSAL/
2. FTP: ftp://ext-ifr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/coriolis/data/CORT-GLOBAL-01/oa/field/PSAL/
  3. LAS:
  4. WebForm:

The problem is that LAS server and WebForm (Web image displaying) havent the wanted URL. I want: 1. OPENDAP: http://rhsism11:8080/thredds/dodsC/PSAL/ 2. FTP: ftp://ext-ifr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/coriolis/data/CORT-GLOBAL-01/oa/field/PSAL/
  3. LAS:
  4. WebForm:

So typically the datasetScan path (here PSAL) is not good for all the services. Is there a
way to have differents paths value for each nested service?


Ethan R. Davis                                Telephone: (303) 497-8155
Software Engineer                             Fax:       (303) 497-8690
UCAR Unidata Program Center                   E-mail:    edavis@xxxxxxxx
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO  80307-3000             

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