Re: metadata for aggregated data sets

Thats a good point that i hadnt thought about. it's currently using a random 
one, under the assumption that they are all the same. I guess in your situation 
it would be better to use a recent one. (i was avoiding the latest in case it 
was still being updates) I'll see if I can figure out a way to let you control 
that. how many datasets are in your archive typically?

Bob Simons wrote:
I have a question about another change in the latest THREDDS. Our older copy of thredds served metadata which was gathered from the most recent data file. (We serve mostly near-real-time data, so data files are periodically added to the data directory which thredds aggregates.) This was convenient, since small changes to the metadata could be made to newer files and the changes would appear in thredds.

The new thredds serves metadata from older data files (the oldest file? a randomly selected file? I'm not sure) and so the metadata is not the most recent.

Is this an official feature (so I should get used to it) or is there a chance you would make it official that metadata would be gathered from the most recent file?



Bob Simons
Satellite Data Product Manager
Environmental Research Division
NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center
1352 Lighthouse Ave
Pacific Grove, CA 93950-2079
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