[thredds] Dumping 1D data THREDDS data as tabular output?

THREDDS Community,

We have a lot of CF-compliant 1D time series data, and people often
ask us how to get the data into Excel.

It would be nice to have a client that could create tabular output in
ASCII form (e.g. CSV file) if the data were 1D or effectively 1D (2D,
3D or 4D, but with only one non-singleton dimension).

We want a table with time in column 1,  temp in column 2, salinity in
column 3, etc.   This could also be used for profile data, where you
would have depth or pressure in the first column, followed by the
dependent variables.

We explored various clients: NcBrowse, the OpenDAP Data Connector,
IDV, the new Environmental Data Connector, the THREDDS WCS and NetCDF
subsetter services, and none of them seemed to have the ability to do

Does anyone have any ideas?

A sample of our CF compliant time series file in THREDDS is at:

Dr. Richard P. Signell (508) 457-2229
USGS, 384 Woods Hole Rd.
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1598

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