Re: [thredds] WMS capabilities

Another quick note ...

The following dataset on our server is also on a Lambert Conformal
projection and the WMS does list lots of CRS:

here's the OPeNDAP DAS:

which contains a similar Lambert_Conformal section as with Marcos'
dataset (below) but it has different parameter values (maybe more
standard?) and lots of other information from the GRIB source.


Ethan Davis wrote:
> Hi Marcos, Pauline,
> I'm not seeing any CRS elements in the GetCapabilities document at this
> link:
> I just talked to Jeff, one of the IDV developers, and that seems to be
> the problem the IDV is tripping over (though he just added code to
> default to "CRS:84" if none is found). I'm guessing that is the problem
> Marcos saw for the other WMS clients as well.
> I'm wondering if the projection is getting lost somehow for this
> dataset. The project is Lambert Conformal, here's the OPeNDAP DAS
> snippet for the projection variable:
>     Lambert_Conformal {
>         String grid_mapping_name "lambert_conformal_conic";
>         Float64 longitude_of_central_meridian -14.100000381469727;
>         Float64 standard_parallel 43.0, 43.0;
>         Float64 latitude_of_projection_origin 24.22800064086914;
>         Float64 false_easting 2182.62935;
>         Float64 false_northing -269.65597;
>     }
> The netCDF-Java library, so ToolsUI (as Marcos mentioned) and IDV,
> recognize the grid. Though whether they use the projection information
> or the lat/lon variables isn't clear.
> I'm not going to be able to dig into this any further until at least end
> of next week. Pauline, Jon, I'm wondering (from my hazy understanding of
> the ncWMS code) if the projection somehow fails to get mapped into a CRS
> that GeoTools recognizes and it then does not default to try the lat/lon
> grid that is also given in the dataset.
> Ethan
> Pauline Mak wrote:
>> Hi Marco,
>> I've downloaded the file and ran it with the latest version of TDS.  The
>> GetCapabilities XML generated has been attached - it does included the
>> CRS (and I also tried 1.1.1, and that gave me a list of SRS).  Perhaps
>> you can give this a try?  Google Earth was able to find all the layers
>> and palettes.
>> I've also tried to apply a GetMap request to the downloaded file, but
>> that's giving me a 500 error:
>> java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
>>     at ucar.ma2.Index.setDim(
>>     at ucar.ma2.Index.set(
>>     at
>>     at
>> .....
>> I'll keep investigating and let you know if I find why this is so :)
>> Cheers,
>> -Pauline.
>> Marcos Hermida wrote:
>>> Hi Pauline, Ethan!
>>> I've opened the netCDF files with the toolsUI and the data is
>>> recognized as gridded data and is displayed perfectly. I also tried
>>> with the IDV via OPeNDAP and it worked fine as well.
>>> The fileServer isn't enabled for all datasets because many of them are
>>> aggregations.
>>> Usually, our models' daily outputs have one file per forecast day and
>>> grid and we have set up (or at least tried it :-) ) two kind of
>>> aggregations:
>>> one in each daily output aggregating all the forecast day files in one
>>> single dataset per grid  and the other aggregates all the daily
>>> outputs with the same forecast offset (only offset 0 so far) for each
>>> grid.
>>> For the WRF daily outputs I've changed the catalog, so now all the
>>> files are available via fileServer:
>>> You can also download the WW3 files:
>>> Thanx!!
>>> Pauline Mak wrote:
>>>> Hi Marco,
>>>> I was able to load your URL - seems like the GetCapabilities XML
>>>> document doesn't contain coordinate systems.  I can't seem to
>>>> download any of the files... if you can either email me one of them,
>>>> or enable fileServer, then I can download one to take a better look.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> -Pauline.
>>>> Ethan Davis wrote:
>>>>> Hi Marcos,
>>>>> I'm getting a 500 response from the URL you gave. So, I wasn't able to
>>>>> look at your data.
>>>>> One quick suggestion, make sure your data is recognized as gridded data
>>>>> by the netCDF-Java library. You can test that with the ToolsUI
>>>>> (available from the netCDF-Java home page). Try opening your data file
>>>>> in the "FeatureTypes/Grids" tab of ToolsUI.
>>>>> Or, if the data is available from the TDS via OPeNDAP, try opening that
>>>>> in the IDV (not through the WMS interface). Or you could open it as a
>>>>> local file.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Ethan
>>>>> Marcos Hermida wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all!
>>>>>> I've recently installed the latest version of TDS (4.0.23) and  set up
>>>>>> some catalogs ( )
>>>>>> When I tried to display some data with IDV through WMS I got a message
>>>>>> which says "No compatible SRS found".  I've also tried it  with 
>>>>>> other GIS clients  (QGIS, GoogleEarth, ArcView) and I got  similar 
>>>>>> messages.
>>>>>> I think it might be that in the capabilities xml document delivered in
>>>>>> the getCapabilities request the SRS (WMS version 1.1.0) or CRS (WMS
>>>>>> version 1.3.0) tags are missing so the GIS clients are unable to
>>>>>> render
>>>>>> the maps or there is something wrong with our datasets?
>>>>>> Thanx!
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Ethan R. Davis                                Telephone: (303) 497-8155
Software Engineer                             Fax:       (303) 497-8690
UCAR Unidata Program Center                   E-mail:    edavis@xxxxxxxx
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