Re: [thredds] OPeNDAP authentication

Hi Pauline,

> How are you incorporating single sign on (assuming this means OpenID or 
> Shibboleth) with client certificates?   Or do you mean the MyProxy 
> credentials *is* the SSO, and would unlock a certificate that will be 
> used across multiple services (including stuff like GridFTP)?

Yes the latter.  The client would make a call to MyProxy logon first to obtain 
a credential from their home IdP then submit this in their request over SSL to 
the OPeNDAP service.

We also have OpenID based SSO for pyDAP.  Our OpenID Provider uses 
username/password but could use a client cert too as I've seen done with 
> > Have any of you done much in the way of authentication 
> > interoperability tests between different client and server 
> > implementations?
> >
> Nope... We're hoping to keep authentication to either the 
> container or 
> web server so then it would be independent of the underlying webapp. 

We've followed the same approach overlaying the pyDAP web application with 
independent WSGI based security middleware.

> I'm hoping client certificates would *just work* on the standard HTTP 
> clients for the C, Java and Python OPeNDAP client libraries 
> (i.e. curl, 
> httpClient and httplib2(?)).  We should be doing some testing soon...

OK - would be interested to hear how you get on :)  I did some initial tests 
with wget but I'm more concerned about compatibility with the other OPeNDAP 
client libraries.

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