Re: [thredds] Subset of NAM 12-km data

I'm trying to extract a subset of surface wind direction and speed for the NAM 
12-km data using this website.

I am only able to get about a month and a half of data (Jan., 2010 - current).  
I was wondering if there is a way to get all of 2008 and 2009 for a specific 
longitude latitude point.  I want to compare seasonal summaries of the modeled 
NAM 12-km data to real data.

Hi Cassie,

We only keep around a 45 day window of model on our motherlode server.

Iowa State has a pretty large archive of model data dating back quite some years and they have a THREDDS server running:

When navigating down look for the "gempak" directories, e.g.:

Those are what contain the model data.

I see that the TDS server does not have the grid subset service activated. I'll send a separate note out about this.


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