Re: [thredds] thredds 4.1 fresh install - howto locate and modify both threddsConfig.xml and catalog.xml

Thanks for your reply Roy,

When TOMCAT unpacks my thredds.war, it creates folder C:\spi\a-org\apache-tomcat-6.0.26\webapps\thredds. There is no main catalog.xml nor threddsConfig.xml file in there (That is why, as a beginner, I am confused). I rather get 3 different folders where I can find a copy of catalog.xml and threddsConfig.xml files (see my TDS installation file tree, file mytdsfiletree.txt here attached). This seems in accordance with the folders listed in my TDS properties file (see text file here attached).

The question remains, which files are the main TDS catalog and config files?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Roy Mendelssohn" <Roy.Mendelssohn@xxxxxxxx>
To: "Stephane Poirier" <stephane.poirier2@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2010 1:29 PM
Subject: Re: [thredds] thredds 4.1 fresh install - howto locate and modify both threddsConfig.xml and catalog.xml

Hi Stephane:

When you start your tomcat so that the thredds,war file is unpacked, it should create a directory $TOMCAT_HOME/content/thredds. The main catalog.xml as well as threddsConfig.xml reside there. On first install a test site should be set up in that directory as well, and you can look at that for examples.


-Roy M.
On Jun 3, 2010, at 10:18 AM, Stephane Poirier wrote:

Hi All,

I have a very basic question. I read the documentation but the question remains.

I have a thredds 4.1 fresh install for which I want to modify threddsConfig.xml and catalog.xml files. In the default install, these 2 files are found in 3 different folders (WEB-INF/altContent/startup, WEB-INF/altContent/idd/thredds and WEB-INF/altContent/motherlode/thredds). Which ones are the main TDS configuration and catalog files?

I presumed the main TDS configuration catalog and catalog files were in folder WEB-INF\altContent\startup, I tried to modify the catalog.xml and restarted Tomcat so the TDS would reinitialized but I did not see any differences! Is there something I am missing? Am I in the proper main TDS folder?



Stephane Poirier, M.Sc. Optical Physics
Remote Sensing Application Software Developer
Geography Department, Burnside Hall
McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada
Cell. (514) 994-3532
Fax: (514) 509-8833
Stephane Poirier, M.Sc. Optical Physics
Remote Sensing Application Software Developer
3532 rue Sainte-Famille, Apt. 4
Montreal, QC, H2X 2L1, Canada
Tel.: (514) 509-8833
Fax: (514) 509-8833

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"The contents of this message do not reflect any position of the U.S. Government or NOAA."
Roy Mendelssohn
Supervisory Operations Research Analyst
Environmental Research Division
Southwest Fisheries Science Center
1352 Lighthouse Avenue
Pacific Grove, CA 93950-2097

e-mail: Roy.Mendelssohn@xxxxxxxx (Note new e-mail address)
voice: (831)-648-9029
fax: (831)-648-8440

"Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill."
"From those who have been given much, much will be expected"

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Folder PATH listing
Volume serial number is F0F7-6C63
|   attachForm.html
|   cdmValidate.html
|   folder.gif
|   makeDLrecordsForm.html
|   mytdsfiletree.txt
|   showHtmlForm.html
|   tds.css
|   tdsCat.css
|   thredds.jpg
|   threddsIcon.gif
|   threddsSmall.jpg
|   unidataIcon.gif
|   unidataLogo.gif
|   upc.css
| +---docs
|       CHANGES.txt
|       README.txt
| +---META-INF
|       context.xml
| \---WEB-INF
   |   admin-servlet.xml
   |   applicationContext-tdsConfig.xml
   |   catalogGen-servlet.xml
   |   catalogService-servlet.xml
   |   cdmRemote-servlet.xml
   |   dqc-servlet.xml
   |   ehcache.xml
   |   log4j.xml
   |   ncOpendap-servlet.xml
   |   OGCMeta.xml
   |   root-servlet.xml
   |   view.xml
   |   web.xml
   |   wms-servlet.xml
| +---altContent
   |   +---idd
   |   |   \---thredds
   |   |       |   catalog.xml
   |   |       |   threddsConfig.xml
| | | | | +---idd
   |   |       |       models.xml
   |   |       |       newExamples.xml
   |   |       |       newPointObs.xml
   |   |       |       obsData.xml
   |   |       |       radars.xml
   |   |       |       satellite.xml
| | | | | \---modelInventory
   |   |               NCEP-DGEX-Alaska_12km.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-DGEX-CONUS_12km.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               
   |   |               
   |   |               NCEP-GFS-Alaska_191km.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-GFS-CONUS_191km.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-GFS-CONUS_80km.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-GFS-CONUS_95km.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-GFS-Global_0p5deg.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-GFS-Global_1p0deg_Ensemble.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-GFS-Global_2p5deg.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-GFS-Global_onedeg.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-GFS-Hawaii_160km.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-GFS-N_Hemisphere_381km.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-GFS-Puerto_Rico_191km.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-NAM-Alaska_11km.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-NAM-Alaska_22km.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-NAM-Alaska_45km-conduit.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-NAM-Alaska_45km-noaaport.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-NAM-Alaska_95km.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-NAM-CONUS_12km-conduit.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-NAM-CONUS_12km-noaaport.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-NAM-CONUS_20km-noaaport.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-NAM-CONUS_20km-selectsurface.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-NAM-CONUS_20km-surface.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-NAM-CONUS_40km-conduit.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-NAM-CONUS_80km.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-NAM-Polar_90km.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-NDFD-CONUS_5km.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-RUC-CONUS_80km.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-RUC2-CONUS_20km-hybrid.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-RUC2-CONUS_20km-pressure.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-RUC2-CONUS_20km-surface.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-RUC2-CONUS_40km.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-SREF-Alaska_45km-ensprod.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-SREF-CONUS_40km-ensprod.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-SREF-CONUS_40km-ensprod_biasc.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-SREF-CONUS_40km-pgrb_biasc.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-SREF-PacificNE_0p4-ensprod.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-WW3-Alaskan_10minute.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-WW3-Alaskan_4minute.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-WW3-Atlantic_10minute.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-WW3-Atlantic_4minute.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-WW3-EasternPacific_10minute.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-WW3-GLOBAL_30minute.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-WW3-WestCoast_10minute.fmrcDefinition.xml
   |   |               NCEP-WW3-WestCoast_4minute.fmrcDefinition.xml
| | | +---motherlode
   |   |   \---thredds
   |   |       |   catalog.xml
   |   |       |   cdmremoteCatalog.xml
   |   |       |   gempakTestCat.xml
   |   |       |   testCatalog.xml
   |   |       |   threddsConfig.xml
   |   |       |   topcatalog.xml
| | | | | +---casestudies
   |   |       |       catalog.xml
   |   |       |       ccs034Catalog.xml
   |   |       |       ccs039Catalog.xml
   |   |       |       july18_2002cat.xml
   |   |       |       vgeeCatalog.xml
| | | | | +---cataloggen
   |   |       |   \---config
   |   |       |           catGenConfig.ModelsInvCat1.0-IDV.xml
   |   |       |           catGenConfig.ModelsInvCat1.0en.xml
   |   |       |           config.xml
| | | | | +---dqcService
   |   |       |   \---config
   |   |       |           config.xml
   |   |       |           configDqcHandler.latestModel-InvCat1.0.xml
| | | | | +---galeon
   |   |       |       catalog.xml
   |   |       |       gis-catalog.xml
| | | | | +---idd
   |   |       |       allModels.TDS-nc.xml
   |   |       |       rtmodel.xml
| | | | | +---idv
   |   |       |       dgex_model.xml
   |   |       |       gfs_model.xml
   |   |       |       latestModels.xml
   |   |       |       models.xml
   |   |       |       nam_model.xml
   |   |       |       ndfd_model.xml
   |   |       |       ruc_model.xml
   |   |       |       sref_model.xml
| | | | | \---servers
   |   |               nccsRadarlevel2.xslt
   |   |               radar.xsl
   |   |               radarCollections.xml
   |   |               RadarL2Stations.xml
   |   |               RadarNexradStations.xml
   |   |               RadarTerminalStations.xml
| | | \---startup
   |       |   catalog.xml
   |       |   enhancedCatalog.xml
   |       |   threddsConfig.xml
| | | +---public
   |       |   +---testdata
   |       |   |
   |       |   |
   |       |   |
   |       |   |
   |       |   |
   |       |   |
   |       |   |
| | | | | \---wcsExample
   |       |       |   catalog.xml
| | | | | \---testdata
   |       |     
| | | \---root
   |               favicon.ico
   |               robots.txt
| +---classes
   |   +---resources
   |   |   +---spring
   |   |   \---xsl
   |   |           fmrMatrix.xsl
   |   |           fmrMatrixVariable.xsl
   |   |           fmrOffset.xsl
   |   |           fmrOffsetVariable.xsl
   |   |           ncServerForm.xsl
   |   |           ncssGrid.xsl
   |   |           ncssGridAsPoint.xsl
   |   |           ncssSobs.xsl
   |   |           radar.xsl
   |   |           sobsDataset.xml
| | | +---thredds
   |   |   +---dqc
   |   |   |   |   Description.class
   |   |   |   |   SelectFromRange.class
   |   |   |   |   Selection.class
   |   |   |   |   Selector.class
   |   |   |   |   UserQuery.class
| | | | | | | \---server
   |   |   |       |   DqcHandler.class
   |   |   |       |   DqcHandlerInstantiationException.class
   |   |   |       |   DqcServiceController.class
   |   |   |       |   DqcServletConfig.class
   |   |   |       |   DqcServletConfigItem.class
   |   |   |       |   DqcServletRedirect.class
   |   |   |       |   LatestModel.class
| | | | | | | +---jplQuikSCAT
   |   |   |       |       JplQuikSCAT.class
   |   |   |       |       JplQuikScatCalendar.class
   |   |   |       |       JplQuikScatDodsFileServer$DfsIterator.class
   |   |   |       |       JplQuikScatDodsFileServer.class
   |   |   |       |       JplQuikScatEntry.class
   |   |   |       |       
   |   |   |       |       JplQuikScatEntryComparator.class
   |   |   |       |       JplQuikScatUserQuery.class
| | | | | | | \---latest
   |   |   |               LatestConfig$Item.class
   |   |   |               LatestConfig.class
   |   |   |               LatestConfigFactory.class
   |   |   |               LatestDqcHandler.class
| | | | | +---monitor
   |   |   |       NetcdfFileCacheMonitor.class
   |   |   |       NetcdfFileCacheMonitorImpl.class
   |   |   |       OpenRAFMonitor.class
   |   |   |       OpenRAFMonitorImpl.class
| | | | | +---server
   |   |   |   |
| | | | | | | +---cataloggen
   |   |   |   |       CatGenConfig.class
   |   |   |   |       CatGenConfigParser.class
   |   |   |   |       CatGenController.class
   |   |   |   |       CatGenTaskConfig.class
   |   |   |   |       CatGenTaskRunner.class
   |   |   |   |       CatGenTaskScheduler.class
| | | | | | | +---catalogservice
   |   |   |   |       CatalogServiceUtils.class
   |   |   |   |       Command.class
   |   |   |   |       CommandEditor.class
   |   |   |   |       LocalCatalogRequest.class
   |   |   |   |       LocalCatalogRequestDataBinder$FieldInfo.class
   |   |   |   |       LocalCatalogRequestDataBinder.class
   |   |   |   |       LocalCatalogRequestValidator.class
   |   |   |   |       LocalCatalogServiceController.class
   |   |   |   |       RemoteCatalogRequest.class
   |   |   |   |       RemoteCatalogRequestDataBinder$FieldInfo.class
   |   |   |   |       RemoteCatalogRequestDataBinder.class
   |   |   |   |       RemoteCatalogRequestValidator.class
   |   |   |   |       RemoteCatalogServiceController.class
| | | | | | | +---cdmremote
   |   |   |   |       CdmRemoteController$1.class
   |   |   |   |       CdmRemoteController.class
   |   |   |   |       CdmRemoteControllerOld.class
   |   |   |   |       CollectionBean.class
   |   |   |   |       CollectionManager.class
   |   |   |   |       PointQueryBean$RequestType.class
   |   |   |   |       PointQueryBean$ResponseType.class
   |   |   |   |       PointQueryBean$SpatialSelection.class
   |   |   |   |       PointQueryBean$TemporalSelection.class
   |   |   |   |       PointQueryBean.class
   |   |   |   |       PointStreamController.class
   |   |   |   |       StationWriter$1.class
   |   |   |   |       StationWriter$Action.class
   |   |   |   |       StationWriter$Limit.class
   |   |   |   |       StationWriter$Predicate.class
   |   |   |   |       StationWriter$Writer.class
   |   |   |   |       StationWriter$WriterCSV$1.class
   |   |   |   |       StationWriter$WriterCSV.class
   |   |   |   |       StationWriter$WriterNcstream$1.class
   |   |   |   |       StationWriter$WriterNcstream.class
   |   |   |   |       StationWriter$WriterNetcdf$1.class
   |   |   |   |       StationWriter$WriterNetcdf.class
   |   |   |   |       StationWriter$WriterRaw$1.class
   |   |   |   |       StationWriter$WriterRaw.class
   |   |   |   |       StationWriter$WriterXML$1.class
   |   |   |   |       StationWriter$WriterXML.class
   |   |   |   |       StationWriter.class
| | | | | | | +---cdmvalidator
   |   |   |   |       CdmValidatorConfigContextListener.class
   |   |   |   |       CdmValidatorContext$1.class
   |   |   |   |       CdmValidatorContext.class
   |   |   |   |       CdmValidatorController.class
| | | | | | | +---config
   |   |   |   |       CdmInit$CacheScourTask.class
   |   |   |   |       CdmInit.class
   |   |   |   |       HtmlConfig.class
   |   |   |   |       MyTdsCatConfig.class
   |   |   |   |       StandardInitializer.class
   |   |   |   |       StaticCatalog.class
   |   |   |   |       TdsCatConfig$1.class
   |   |   |   |       TdsCatConfig$AllMaps.class
   |   |   |   |       TdsCatConfig$AllMapsUpdate.class
   |   |   |   |       TdsCatConfig.class
   |   |   |   |       TdsCatConfigAccess.class
   |   |   |   |       TdsCatConfigInitialize.class
   |   |   |   |       TdsConfig.class
   |   |   |   |       TdsConfigContextListener.class
   |   |   |   |       TdsContext.class
| | | | | | | +---ncSubset
   |   |   |   |       CollectionManager$MyFile.class
   |   |   |   |       CollectionManager.class
   |   |   |   |       GridPointWriter$1.class
   |   |   |   |       GridPointWriter$Limit.class
   |   |   |   |       GridPointWriter$Writer.class
   |   |   |   |       GridPointWriter$WriterCSV.class
   |   |   |   |       GridPointWriter$WriterNetcdfProfiler.class
   |   |   |   |       GridPointWriter$WriterNetcdfStation.class
   |   |   |   |       GridPointWriter$WriterXML.class
   |   |   |   |       GridPointWriter.class
   |   |   |   |       GridServlet.class
   |   |   |   |       QueryParams.class
   |   |   |   |       StationController$1.class
   |   |   |   |       StationController.class
   |   |   |   |       StationObsCollection$1.class
   |   |   |   |       StationObsCollection$Action.class
   |   |   |   |       StationObsCollection$Dataset.class
   |   |   |   |       StationObsCollection$Limit.class
   |   |   |   |       StationObsCollection$Predicate.class
   |   |   |   |       StationObsCollection$ReinitTask.class
   |   |   |   |       StationObsCollection$StationDataTracker.class
   |   |   |   |       StationObsCollection$Writer.class
   |   |   |   |       StationObsCollection$WriterCdmRemote$1.class
   |   |   |   |       StationObsCollection$WriterCdmRemote.class
   |   |   |   |       StationObsCollection$WriterCSV$1.class
   |   |   |   |       StationObsCollection$WriterCSV.class
   |   |   |   |       StationObsCollection$WriterNetcdf$1.class
   |   |   |   |       StationObsCollection$WriterNetcdf.class
   |   |   |   |       StationObsCollection$WriterNetcdfStream$1.class
   |   |   |   |       StationObsCollection$WriterNetcdfStream.class
   |   |   |   |       StationObsCollection$WriterRaw$1.class
   |   |   |   |       StationObsCollection$WriterRaw.class
   |   |   |   |       StationObsCollection$WriterXML$1.class
   |   |   |   |       StationObsCollection$WriterXML.class
   |   |   |   |       StationObsCollection.class
| | | | | | | +---opendap
   |   |   |   |       GuardedDatasetImpl.class
   |   |   |   |       HasNetcdfVariable.class
   |   |   |   |       NcDAS.class
   |   |   |   |       NcDDS.class
   |   |   |   |       NcSDArray.class
   |   |   |   |       NcSDByte.class
   |   |   |   |       NcSDCharArray.class
   |   |   |   |       NcSDFloat32.class
   |   |   |   |       NcSDFloat64.class
   |   |   |   |       NcSDGrid.class
   |   |   |   |       NcSDInt16.class
   |   |   |   |       NcSDInt32.class
   |   |   |   |       NcSDString.class
   |   |   |   |       NcSDStructure.class
   |   |   |   |       NcSDUInt16.class
   |   |   |   |       NcSDUInt32.class
   |   |   |   |       OpendapServlet$1.class
   |   |   |   |       OpendapServlet$2.class
   |   |   |   |       OpendapServlet.class
   |   |   |   |       OpendapSessionAttributeListener.class
| | | | | | | +---radarServer
   |   |   |   |       RadarDatasetCollection$CompareKeyDescend.class
   |   |   |   |       RadarDatasetCollection.class
   |   |   |   |       RadarDayCollection$CompareKeyDescend.class
   |   |   |   |       RadarDayCollection.class
   |   |   |   |       RadarMethods$CompareKeyDescend.class
   |   |   |   |       RadarMethods.class
   |   |   |   |       RadarServer$1.class
   |   |   |   |       RadarServer$RadarType.class
   |   |   |   |       RadarServer.class
   |   |   |   |       RadarStationCollection$CompareKeyDescend.class
   |   |   |   |       RadarStationCollection.class
   |   |   |   |       RadarXmlStationQuery.class
   |   |   |   |       ServerMethods$CompareKeyDescend.class
   |   |   |   |       ServerMethods.class
| | | | | | | +---root
   |   |   |   |       DebugController.class
   |   |   |   |       DirDisplayController.class
   |   |   |   |       JspController.class
   |   |   |   |       LogController$1.class
   |   |   |   |       LogController$2.class
   |   |   |   |       LogController$3.class
   |   |   |   |       LogController.class
   |   |   |   |       RootController.class
| | | | | | | +---views
   |   |   |   |       ByteRangeFileView.class
   |   |   |   |       FileView.class
   |   |   |   |       InvCatalogXmlView.class
| | | | | | | +---wcs
   |   |   |   |   |   VersionHandler.class
   |   |   |   |   |   WCSServlet$Operation.class
   |   |   |   |   |   WCSServlet.class
| | | | | | | | | +---v1_0_0_1
   |   |   |   |   |       WcsHandler.class
   |   |   |   |   |       WcsRequestParser.class
| | | | | | | | | +---v1_0_0_Plus
   |   |   |   |   |       WcsHandler.class
   |   |   |   |   |       WcsRequestParser.class
| | | | | | | | | \---v1_1_0
   |   |   |   |           WcsRequestParser.class
   |   |   |   |           WCS_1_1_0.class
| | | | | | | \---wms
   |   |   |       |   DatasetCloser.class
   |   |   |       |   WMSController.class
| | | | | | | +---responses
   |   |   |       |       FileBasedResponse.class
   |   |   |       |       GetCapabilities.class
   |   |   |       |       GetFeatureInfo.class
   |   |   |       |       GetLegendGraphic.class
   |   |   |       |       LayerBasedResponse.class
   |   |   |       |       MetadataResponse.class
   |   |   |       |       WmsGetMap.class
| | | | | | | \---util
   |   |   |               LayerOps.class
| | | | | +---servlet
   |   |   |   |   AbstractServlet.class
   |   |   |   |   AnnotateServlet.class
   |   |   |   |   Annotation.class
   |   |   |   |   DataRootHandler$1.class
   |   |   |   |   DataRootHandler$2.class
   |   |   |   |   DataRootHandler$3.class
   |   |   |   |   DataRootHandler$4.class
   |   |   |   |   DataRootHandler$ConfigListener.class
   |   |   |   |   DataRootHandler$DataRoot.class
   |   |   |   |   DataRootHandler$DataRootMatch.class
   |   |   |   |   DataRootHandler.class
   |   |   |   |   DataServiceProvider$DatasetRequest.class
   |   |   |   |   DataServiceProvider.class
   |   |   |   |   DatasetHandler$1.class
   |   |   |   |   DatasetHandler$NcmlFileFactory.class
   |   |   |   |   DatasetHandler.class
   |   |   |   |   DatasetSource.class
   |   |   |   |   Debug.class
   |   |   |   |   DebugCommands$1.class
   |   |   |   |   DebugCommands$10.class
   |   |   |   |   DebugCommands$11.class
   |   |   |   |   DebugCommands$12.class
   |   |   |   |   DebugCommands$13.class
   |   |   |   |   DebugCommands$14.class
   |   |   |   |   DebugCommands$2.class
   |   |   |   |   DebugCommands$3.class
   |   |   |   |   DebugCommands$4.class
   |   |   |   |   DebugCommands$5.class
   |   |   |   |   DebugCommands$6.class
   |   |   |   |   DebugCommands$7.class
   |   |   |   |   DebugCommands$8.class
   |   |   |   |   DebugCommands$9.class
   |   |   |   |   DebugCommands.class
   |   |   |   |   DebugHandler$Action.class
   |   |   |   |   DebugHandler$Event.class
   |   |   |   |   DebugHandler.class
   |   |   |   |   DLwriterServlet.class
   |   |   |   |   FileServerServlet.class
   |   |   |   |   FmrcInventoryServlet.class
   |   |   |   |   HtmlWriter.class
   |   |   |   |   MyWebDavServlet.class
   |   |   |   |   PathMatcher$1.class
   |   |   |   |   PathMatcher$PathComparator.class
   |   |   |   |   PathMatcher.class
   |   |   |   |   RestrictedAccessConfigListener.class
   |   |   |   |   ServletListener.class
   |   |   |   |   ServletUtil.class
   |   |   |   |   TesterServlet.class
   |   |   |   |   ThreddsConfig.class
   |   |   |   |   URLEncoder.class
   |   |   |   |   UsageLog.class
   |   |   |   |   Viewer.class
   |   |   |   |   ViewServlet$1.class
   |   |   |   |   ViewServlet$IDV.class
   |   |   |   |   ViewServlet$StaticView.class
   |   |   |   |   ViewServlet$ToolsUI.class
   |   |   |   |   ViewServlet.class
| | | | | | | +---filter
   |   |   |   |       CatalogGenFilter.class
   |   |   |   |       CatalogServiceFilter.class
   |   |   |   |       CookieFilter.class
   |   |   |   |       CoordSysValidatorFilter.class
   |   |   |   |       ParameterValidationUtils.class
   |   |   |   |       RequestPathFilter.class
   |   |   |   |       RequestQueryFilter.class
   |   |   |   |       ResponseHeaderFilter.class
| | | | | | | +---restrict
   |   |   |   |       Authorizer.class
   |   |   |   |       AuthorizerNoop.class
   |   |   |   |       CAMSAuthorizer.class
   |   |   |   |       CASAuthorizer.class
   |   |   |   |       RestrictedDatasetServlet.class
   |   |   |   |       RoleDatabase$User.class
   |   |   |   |       RoleDatabase.class
   |   |   |   |       RoleSource.class
   |   |   |   |       TomcatAuthorizer.class
| | | | | | | \---tomcat
   |   |   |           UsageValve.class
| | | | | \---util
   |   |       |   RequestForwardUtils.class
   |   |       |   StartsWithPathAliasReplacement.class
   |   |       |   StringValidateEncodeUtils.class
   |   |       |   TdsConfiguredPathAliasReplacement.class
   |   |       |   TdsPathUtils.class
   |   |       |   Version.class
| | | | | \---filesource
   |   |               BasicDescendantFileSource.class
   |   |               BasicFileSource.class
   |   |               BasicWithExclusionsDescendantFileSource.class
   |   |               ChainedFileSource.class
   |   |               DescendantFileSource.class
   |   |               FileSource.class
| | | \---uk
   |       \---ac
   |           \---rdg
   |               \---resc
   |                   \---ncwms
   |                       +---config
   |                       |       Config.class
   |                       |       Contact.class
   |                       |       Server.class
| | | +---controller
   |                       |       ColorScaleRange.class
   |                       |       GetFeatureInfoDataRequest.class
   |                       |       GetFeatureInfoRequest.class
   |                       |       GetMapDataRequest.class
   |                       |       GetMapRequest.class
   |                       |       GetMapStyleRequest.class
   |                       |       RequestParams.class
| | | +---datareader
   |                       |       BoundingBoxDataReader.class
   |                       |       DataReader.class
   |                       |       DefaultDataReader.class
   |                       |       HorizontalGrid.class
   |                       |       PixelMap$1.class
   |                       |       PixelMap$Row.class
   |                       |       PixelMap.class
| | | +---exceptions
   |                       |       CurrentUpdateSequence.class
   |                       |       InvalidCrsException.class
   |                       |       InvalidDimensionValueException.class
   |                       |       InvalidFormatException.class
   |                       |       InvalidPointException.class
   |                       |       InvalidUpdateSequence.class
   |                       |       MetadataException.class
   |                       |       StyleNotDefinedException.class
   |                       |       Wms1_1_1Exception.class
   |                       |       WmsException.class
| | | +---graphics
   |                       |       AnimatedGifEncoder.class
   |                       |       GifFormat.class
   |                       |       ImageFormat.class
   |                       |       JpegFormat.class
   |                       |       KmzFormat.class
   |                       |       LZWEncoder.class
   |                       |       NeuQuant.class
   |                       |       PngFormat.class
   |                       |       SimpleFormat.class
| | | +---metadata
   |                       |   |   CoordAxis.class
   |                       |   |   Irregular1DCoordAxis$AxisValue.class
   |                       |   |   Irregular1DCoordAxis.class
   |                       |   |   Layer.class
   |                       |   |   LayerImpl.class
   |                       |   |   Longitude.class
   |                       |   |   OneDCoordAxis.class
   |                       |   |   Regular1DCoordAxis.class
   |                       |   |   TimestepInfo.class
   |                       |   |   TwoDCoordAxis.class
   |                       |   |   VectorLayer.class
   |                       |   |   VectorLayerImpl.class
| | | | | \---projection
   |                       |           HorizontalProjection$1.class
   |                       |           HorizontalProjection$2.class
   |                       |           HorizontalProjection.class
| | | +---styles
   |                       |       ColorPalette.class
   |                       |       ImageProducer.class
   |                       |       Style.class
| | | +---usagelog
   |                       |       UsageLogEntry.class
   |                       |       UsageLogger.class
| | | \---utils
   |                               WmsUtils.class
| +---jsp
   |   |   catServiceReq.jsp
   |   |   includes.jsp
   |   |   simpleFooter.jsp
   |   |   siteHeader.jsp
   |   |   webappFooter.jsp
| | | +---errorpages
   |   |       404.jsp
   |   |       500.jsp
| | | +---thredds
   |   |   \---server
   |   |       +---catalog
   |   |       |       catalog.jsp
   |   |       |       dataset.jsp
| | | | | +---cataloggen
   |   |       |       catGenConfig.jsp
   |   |       |       editTask.jsp
   |   |       |       index.jsp
| | | | | +---catalogservice
   |   |       |       validationError.jsp
   |   |       |       validationForm.jsp
   |   |       |       validationMessage.jsp
| | | | | \---dqc
   |   |               dqcConfig.jsp
| | | \---wms
   |           capabilities_xml.jsp
   |           capabilities_xml_1_1_1.jsp
   |           defaultMenu.jsp
   |           defaultMenu_essc.jsp
   |           displayWms1_1_1Exception.jsp
   |           displayWmsException.jsp
   |           ecoopMenu.jsp
   |           merseaMenu.jsp
   |           showLayerDetails.jsp
   |           showMinMax.jsp
   |           showTimesteps.jsp
   |           xml_header.jsp
| +---lib
   |       acegi-security-1.0.4.jar
   |       backport-util-concurrent-3.0.jar
   |       bufrTables-2.0.jar
   |       casclient-2.1.1.jar
   |       collections-generic-4.01.jar
   |       commons-codec-1.3.jar
   |       commons-fileupload-1.2.1.jar
   |       commons-httpclient-3.1.jar
   |       commons-io-1.4.jar
   |       commons-lang-2.4.jar
   |       commons-logging-1.1.jar
   |       ehcache-1.4.0.jar
   |       geoapi-nogenerics-2.1.0.jar
   |       grib-8.0.jar
   |       gt2-epsg-wkt-2.4.0.jar
   |       gt2-metadata-2.4.0.jar
   |       gt2-referencing-2.4.0.jar
   |       h2.jar
   |       jakarta-oro-2.0.8.jar
   |       jcommon-1.0.8.jar
   |       jdom.jar
   |       je-3.2.23.jar
   |       jfreechart-1.0.4.jar
   |       joda-time-1.6.jar
   |       jpeg2000.jar
   |       json-taglib-0.4.1.jar
   |       jsr108-0.01.jar
   |       jstl.jar
   |       log4j-1.2.15.jar
   |       netcdf-4.1.jar
   |       opendap-2.1.jar
   |       prefsAll.jar
   |       protobuf-java-2.1.0.jar
   |       simple-xml-1.4.2.jar
   |       slf4j-api-1.5.6.jar
   |       slf4j-log4j12-1.5.6.jar
   |       spring-2.5.jar
   |       spring-webmvc-2.5.jar
   |       standard.jar
   |       unidatacommon.jar
   |       vecmath-1.3.1.jar
   |       visadNoDods.jar
| +---palettes
   |       alg.pal
   |       alg2.pal
   |       ferret.pal
   |       greyscale.pal
   |       ncview.pal
   |       occam.pal
   |       occam_pastel-30.pal
   |       redblue.pal
   |       sst_36.pal
| +---tags
   |       Dataset.tag
   |       Folder.tag
   |       Layer.tag
   |       LayerTimesteps.tag
   |       RegionBasedOverlay.tag
| +---tld
   |   |   c.tld
   |   |   fmt.tld
| | | \---wms
   |           MenuMaker.tld
   |           wms2kml.tld
   |           wmsUtils.tld
| \---views

Description: Binary data

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