[thredds] netCDF coordinate system (GeoGrid) criteria - requirements for THREDDS WMS

Hi All,

THREDDS WMS requires NetCDF files to identify the coordinates system used. 
Checking this (for one of my NetCDF file) by opening in the Grid Panel of the 
ToolsUI application, I get the following 

page states, in order to comply to WMS requirements, a NetCDF files should have 
one or more variables shown as a GeoGrid. How can one tell a variable is shown 
as a GeoGrid?

Alternatively, when I look at one of UCAR's NetCDF file (that seems to comply 
with the GeoGrid requirement), I get 
 How can one tell a variable is shown as a GeoGrid?



Stephane Poirier, M.Sc. Optical Physics
Remote Sensing Application Software Developer
Geography Department, Burnside Hall
McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada
Cell. (514) 994-3532
Fax: (514) 509-8833
Stephane Poirier, M.Sc. Optical Physics
Remote Sensing Application Software Developer
3532 rue Sainte-Famille, Apt. 4
Montreal, QC, H2X 2L1, Canada
Tel.: (514) 509-8833
Fax: (514) 509-8833
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