Re: [thredds] Question about TDS/OPeNDAP Dataset Query


I think you are bumping into limits on the size of the data that the TDS will serve up. I was able to make a request for a subset of the times in ascii, and they came through. Similarly, the request for all temperatures and times as binary came through just fine. The limits are set in threddsConfig.xml, and is described here as ascLimit and binLimit:

I noticed that the particular server you pointed me to is running an outdated version of the TDS (4.2.10). We recommend that everyone upgrade to our latest version (currently 4.3.16), as it is much easier for us to provide support. For instance, the 4.3 server we have running here would have returned the following error, instead of the 500 you saw:

Error {
    code = 403;
    message = "Request too big=24184.0 Mbytes, max=50.0";


On 4/3/2013 2:45 PM, Yuanjie Li - NOAA Affiliate wrote:

We recently published one ncml file to the THREDDS server.

We are able to get the ASCII for the variable "temperature" with whole time period, about 2290301 values.

It returns error if we try to get both "temperature" and "time" with all the layers. The error message looks like
Error {
     code = 500;
     message = "readAgg 
Could it be problem with the ncml aggregation of TDS?

Thanks a lot,

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