[thredds] NetcdfSubset Not Selecting Entire Spatial Subset with TDS v4.3.16

Using the latest TDS v4.3.16, our NetcdfSubset service is not
selecting the entire Global domain (lat/lon subset, bounding box). The
'east' bounding box is getting a different value from our NetCDF files
compared with the previous TDS v4.2.10 NCSS. See figure attachments.

How it used to look:
"TDSv4.2.10 ncss form.png"
"TDSv4.2.10 full domain.png"

How it looks with the latest:
"TDSv4.3.16 ncss form.png"
"TDSv4.3.16 partial domain.png"

I don't want to have to re-write all of our existing NetCDF files. We
might be able to get away with correcting the catalog so that it uses
the proper lat/lon domain.

Michael McDonald
Assistant in Research / Systems Administrator
Center for Ocean Atmospheric Prediction Studies
The Florida State University

Attachment: TDSv4.2.10 ncss form.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: TDSv4.3.16 ncss form.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: TDSv4.2.10 full domain.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: TDSv4.3.16 partial domain.png
Description: PNG image

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