Re: [thredds] URL to WMS getcapabilities document

Hi Egil,

this has to do with how TDS handles internally the datasets and how the urls for accessing the datasets are built. Basically, when you define your dataset in your catalogs you provide a "path" that will be used internally as key for finding the dataset object (actually, it also maps to the directory containing the data for the dataset). Then, that path is provided in the urls and TDS is able to extract it and locate the right data directory for the dataset.
In your url: the path would be: myocean/siw-tac/siw-metno-glo-osisaf. TDS uses what is between that and the query string for locating the right file and it ignores the "/". So, it'll use: drift/2011/10/ as relative path to the directory containing the data, regardless you have put the "/" after the path or not in your url and urls without "/" after the path should work fine, although is a bit obscure and those urls without the slash don't represent quite well the resource in the server.

Hope it clarifies...


On 07/10/2013 03:34 AM, Egil Støren wrote:
Hi all,

We discovered a peculiar feature/bug related to URLs for WMS getcapabilities documents in TDS 4.3.17.

This URL:

gives the expected result.

If we in the above URL removes the '/' between 'siw-metno-glo-osisaf' and 'drift', like this:

we get a very similar result. The only difference is that the paths inside the document is updated to the erroneous path in the URL.

This same behaviour can also be seen on motherlode:



Best regards,

   Egil Støren

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