Re: [thredds] TDS with grid netcdf file

Hi John,

Thanks John, fair enough, no problem. I did that and there are improvements. 
The data type is now respected, and variable attributes are included.

Unfortunately the global attribute "node_offset" doesn't seem to be respected. 
We get the expected file when the node_offset=0 (grid line centred), but for 
node_offset=1 (pixel centred) we get what looks to be a grid line centred file, 
with the dimensions one larger than expected and an extra column and row.

I was wrong in the original question, the "actual_range" is a variable 
attribute rather than a global attribute, but it's not updated. I can see why 
that might be, since the TDS doesn't know what the variable attribute actually 
is for. Is there any way to indicate that the input grid is GMT specific, or 
will variable attributes always simply be output as they come in?

The conventions problem also remains

I hope that explains my problems.

-----Original Message-----
From: thredds-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:thredds-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of John Caron
Sent: 21 August 2013 21:25
To: thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [thredds] TDS with grid netcdf file

Hi Ray:

Youll need to upgrade to latest TDS 4.3.18, theres a good chance the
problem is fixed there, lots of improvements to NCSS. In any case we
dont support older versions of the TDS.


On 8/20/2013 9:27 AM, Cramer, Raymond N. wrote:
> Hello from a newbie,
> We are trying to use a Thredds server to cut a netcdf file containing a
> grid dataset.
>  1. The file follows GMT methodology with attributes for /node_offset/
>     and /actual_range/ but since these are global attributes, would I be
>     right in assuming that the /node_offset/ value is not used by TDS,
>     and the /actual_range/ values are not updated by the cutter?
>  2. The global attribute /Conventions/ is set to "CF-1.0", whereas the
>     original data file has this set as 1.6; is there no way to get TDS
>     to use the input files' value if it exists, or is this really pretty
>     unimportant?
> Thanks for your assistance
> Ray
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