Re: [thredds] Newest high resolution GFS-data on thredds?

  • To: Donald Murray - NOAA Affiliate <don.murray@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [thredds] Newest high resolution GFS-data on thredds?
  • From: Glenn Rutledge - NOAA Federal <glenn.rutledge@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2014 12:49:25 -0500
Hi Don, Sean and all-
For some info on the 0.25 GFS see the below from NCEP's Central Operations.

With the December 17th upgrade of the GFS these are the datasets that will
be available via the operational NOMADS server:

0.25 degree output available in DODS for forecast hours 00 - 240 at 3 hr
0.25 degree output available in grib filter for forecast hours 00 - 384.
>From 00 - 240 at 3 hour increments and 240 - 384 at 12 hour increments

0.5 degree output available in DODS for forecast hours 00 - 240 at 3 hr
0.5 degree output available in grib filter for forecast hours 00 - 384.
>From 00 - 240 at 3 hour increments and 240 - 384 at 12 hour increments

1.0 degree output available in DODS for forecast hour 00 - 384 at 12 hr
1.0 degree output available in grib filter for forecast hour 00 - 384. From
00 - 240 at 3 hour increments and 240 - 384 at 12 hour increments

*Due to limited use, 2.5 degree output will be discontinued from DODS and
grib filter with the GFS upgrade.*

*We will also reduce the archive of number of days of GFS data available
from 30 to 14. *

Visit our product inventory page for the GFS upgrade for more details about
the available output:

Parallel GFS data from the pending upgrade is now available via DODS, grib
filter, HTTP and FTP:

DODS, grib filter, and HTTP, look for the 'Parallel Models' section on the
main NOMADS page:

On FTP the parallel GFS data can be found at

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns (

Justin Cooke
NCEP Central Operations

end of msg.....

As an aside- currently there are no plans to archive the 0.25 on the NCDC
NOMADS historical servers. Please email nomads.ncdc@xxxxxxxx list if you
believe this should be archived (at least longer than the projected 14 days
avbl on the NCEP servers as mentioned above).  Thanks, Glenn

On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 8:11 AM, Don Murray <don.murray@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Heiko-
> I sent in a support request to Unidata about this last week, but have not
> had a response yet.  I think this would be a great dataset to add to the
> server as well as the CONDUIT data feed.
> Don
> On 11/6/14 5:34 AM, Heiko Klein wrote:
>> Hi,
>> maybe this request is slight misplaced, since it is about data on the
>> thredds servers rather than about the thredds software:
>> I usually download GFS-data from thredds-server, e.g.
>> On the GFS servers, I see now the newest highest resolution (T1534 or
>> 0.25degree) GFS-data:
>> Will
>> this become available on the thredds servers, too? Does somebody have a
>> time of arrival for the GFS model products?
>> Best regards,
>> Heiko
> --
> Don Murray
> 303-497-3596
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Glenn K. Rutledge
Lead Physical Scientist / Meteorologist
NOMADS Principal Investigator
NOAA National Climatic Data Center
Asheville, NC 28801
(828) 271-4097
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