Re: [thredds] Problem with time variable in FMRC "Best" collection

  • To: Tor Nordam <Tor.Nordam@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [thredds] Problem with time variable in FMRC "Best" collection
  • From: John Caron <caron@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2015 16:56:04 -0600
Hi Tor:

Finally looking closely at this problem. One question I have is the "run
time", in your case its taken from the filename, eg -> runTime="2015-03-08T12:51:00Z"

What we mean by "runtime" is not the clock time when the run was made, but
the starting point of the simulation. Just wondering if thats the case here.

I have a fix for the problem youve reported, its due to that strange 51
minute offset, plus a bug that was doing strict floating point compare
instead of allowing for some roundoff,

The fix will be in the 4.6.0 release soon.


On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 8:31 AM, Tor Nordam <Tor.Nordam@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>  Hi,
> I'm trying to set up a Forecast Model Run Collection using THREDDS. I have
> a collection of netCDF files, where the time at which the simulation was
> run is part of the filename:
> In the files, the time variable is an integer, and gives time as number of
> hours since a given date. This date is the same in all my files. Since the
> times are given in integer hours, there should be absolutely no uncertainty
> as to whether two timesteps are the same.
> However, when the THREDDS server presents this as an FMRC using the "best"
> model (for a given timpstep, it always serves data from the most recently
> performed simulation), it converts the time variable to a double, and
> somehow manages to present some timesteps which are actually the same as
> slightly different. For example, all of these are actually the same in my
> data, yet are presented as three different timesteps:
> -65.10000033333334, -65.10000033333333, -65.1
> The reason that the numbers are not whole hours is that the server also
> changes the reference point for the time axis from that specified in my
> files, to the simulation run time of the first file. This is fair enough,
> if only the data would be presented correctly.
> Interestingly, if I restart the thredds server, it manages to read and
> correctly present the files that are there at the time of restart, but
> later on, if it does a rescan triggered by the cron expression in the xml
> file, it doesn't get the timesteps right.
> Any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong?
> The dataset definition in the xml-file looks like this:
>   <dataset name="FMRC Example">
>     <featureCollection name="BOM" featureType="FMRC" harvest="true"
> path="BOM">
>       <metadata inherited="true">
>         <serviceName>fmrcServices</serviceName>
>         <dataFormat>netCDF</dataFormat>
>         <documentation type="summary">Example BOM</documentation>
>       </metadata>
>       <collection spec="/system/data/forecast_#yyMMddHHmm#.*\.nc$"/>
>       <update startup="test" rescan="0 0/10 * * * ? *" trigger="allow"/>
>       <fmrcConfig regularize="false" datasetTypes="Best"/>
>     </featureCollection>
>   </dataset>
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