[thredds] turn off cache

Hi TDS Support-Team,

I woud like to test the best NetCDF configuration for as specific problem. For this I simulate requests to the TDS and measure the access time. For more robust results I repeat the tests 20 times, but the TDS caches a lot and the results are falsified. The question is: how can I turn off the cache for the tests in order to get a reliable measure of the access time?

We use: TDS 4.6.2

Many thanks in advance.

Benjamin Ebermann

Benjamin Ebermann                     phone : +49-351-463.33840
Institut fuer Planetare Geodaesie     fax   : +49-351-463.37063
Technische Universitaet Dresden       email : benjamin.ebermann@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
D-01062 Dresden, Germany              web   : tu-dresden.de/geo/ipg/gef

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