Re: [thredds] Ensemble data not possible to visualize


thanks a lot. We will put the _CoordinateAxisType="Ensemble" while
waiting for netcdf-java 5.0.0. Good to know that realization will be
supported then.

IDV/netcdf and toolsUI work very well with that. Godiva displays results
to, but ncWMS does not expose any ensemble-member dimension in the
capabilities document. I'm not even sure if ensembles fit into the WMS
standard, so I'm not too surprised that this does not work.

Best regards,


On 2016-12-06 18:05, Antonio S. Cofiño wrote:
> Heiko,
> Moreover....
> The netcdf-java 4.6.X recognizes the standard_name='ensemble' for
> Ensembles Axis Type.
> but 'ensemble' is not a recognized CF standard_name. It should be
> 'realization' as you have put into the ensemble_member
> The netcdf-java 5.0.0, adds 'realization' as possible standard_name
> value for Ensembles Axis Type
> Regards
> Antonio
> On 06/12/16 13:55, Heiko Klein wrote:
>> Hi,
>> we just extended our meteorology forecast runs with ensemble members.
>> Data without ensemble/realization dimension can be found here:
>> and these work well with the netcdf-java base software like
>> thredds/idv/ncwms , e.g. precipitation_amount_acc(time,height0,y,x)
>> As soon as we combine several realizations/ensembles into the same file
>> all gridded feature stop working for
>> precipitation_amount_acc(time,height0,ensemble_member,y,x). We can still
>> use opendap, but ncwms and idv no longer find this variable.
>> netcdf-tools still detect the variable as a FeatureType GRID
>> f:D(5)->R(7) (in FeatureType->FeatureScan) but is not able to detect the
>> coordinateSystem in FeatureType->Grids.
>> I even tried to remove the height0 dimension (which is of size 1), but
>> without any change.
>> Is 'standard_name=realization' an unsupported feature of netcdf-java?
>> There was a longer discussion about it in 2010:
>> Should we use some axis="ensemble" or _CoordinateAxis keyword to help
>> detect the ensemble dimension?
>> Or is the problem within thredds/ncwms/idv not able to deal with other
>> dimensions than x,y,z,t?
>> Sorry for cross-posting, not really sure where the problem lies. We're
>> using thredds 4.6 and netcdf-java toolsUI 4.6
>> Best regards,
>> Heiko

Dr. Heiko Klein                   Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Tel. + 47 22 96 32 58             P.O. Box 43 Blindern                 0313 Oslo NORWAY

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