The following describes the computation of GEMPAK grid diagnostic 
Each grid in a grid file is identified by a parameter name,
time, level, and vertical coordinate.  A scalar grid is a
single grid, while a vector grid is composed of two grids
containing the u and v components. 
The parameter name is used to retrieve a grid from the file, with
a few exceptions:  Certain special parameters will be computed
from other data in the grid file if the parameter name itself is
not found in the grid file.  These special scalar parameters are 

   TMPK    DWPK    TVRK    MIXR*   THTA*   DRCT    TMWK*   THWK 
   TMPC    DWPC    TVRC    SMXR    STHA    SPED    TMWC    THWC*
                   THES*   SMXS    STHE               

where * indicates names which also may be used as operators.
Mixing ratio will be computed automatically from dewpoint
temperature, specific humidity or vapor pressure, if a pressure
grid exists.

The stability indices will be computed automatically from
temperature, dewpoint temperature, and wind speed and direction.
These special scalar parameters are

    CTOT    VTOT    TOTL    KINX    SWET

Haines Indices for fire weather detection will be computed
automatically from temperature and dewpoint at three different
levels.  These scalar parameters are:

    LHAN    Low elevation Haines Index
    MHAN    Middle elevation Haines Index
    HHAN    High elevation Haines Index

The Heat Index, HEAT, will also be automatically computed from the
temperature and relative humidity.

In addition, precipitation will be converted from inches (I) to 
millimeters (M) and vice versa, if the grids are named P__M or
P__I.  The middle numeric characters give the time interval
over which the precipitaion accumulated.  For example, P24M is
a 24-hour precipitation total.

The units for sea surface temperature (SST_), maximum temperature
(TMX_) and minimum temperature (TMN_) will be converted
automatically.  The underscore may be K, C or F.
These special scalar parameter names denote constant value grids:

     DTR     Conversion factor for degrees to radians = PI / 180
     E       Base of natural logarithms = 2.71828182
     GRAVTY  Gravitational constant = 9.80616 (note spelling)
     KAPPA   Gas constant/specific heat = 2/7
     PI      3.14159265
     RTD     Conversion factor for radians to degrees = 180 / PI
     nnn     Any number (i.e., 2, -10.2, ... )
Another class of special parameter names provides information at 
grid points depending on the navigation of the grid file:
     CORL    Coriolis force
             CORL = 2. * OMEGA * SIN ( LATR )
     LATR    Latitude in radians
     LONR    Longitude in radians
     XVAL    Value of the x coordinate in graph coordinates
     YVAL    Value of the y coordinate in graph coordinates
     MSFX    Map scale factor in the x direction
     MSFY    Map scale factor in the y direction
     LAND    Land array; land=1,  sea=RMISSD
     SEA     Sea  array;  sea=1, land=RMISSD

Finally, scalar grids may be identified by their location within
the grid file.  The grid number must be prefixed with the symbol
#.  Note that grids may be renumbered as grids are added to or
deleted from the file. 
Vector grids are two separate grids containing the u and v 
components.  Special vector parameter names may be used to identify
the following vectors:
     WND     Total wind
     GEO*    Geostrophic wind
     AGE*    Ageostrophic wind
     ISAL*   Isallobaric wind
     THRM*   Thermal wind
where * indicates names that also may be used as operators.  Note 
that all of these wind vectors will have u and v components in 
meters per second.  The total wind must be stored as UWND and
VWND in the grid file if the components are north relative and
as UREL and VREL if the components are grid relative.
Time, level, and vertical coordinate may be specified in GDATTIM,
GLEVEL and GVCORD.  However, any of these values may be 
overridden by in line parameters appended to an operand in the 
form of ^time@level%ivcord.  In-line parameters are only allowed 
for operands, since they modify parameters for individual grids.
The in-line parameters may be entered individually or in 
combinations in any order.

If more than one file is opened, +n may also be used as an
in-line parameter, where n is the number corresponding to the
position of the file name entered in GDFILE.  If +n is omitted,
the first file is used.
Grid operators may be nested, allowing a complicated diagnostic 
function to be computed.  One limitation is that layer and
time range operators expect to work on operands read directly
from the grid file or computed from special names.

In the following list of diagnostic operators, scalar operands are
named Si and vector operands are Vi.  Lower case u and v refer to 
the grid relative components of a vector.  All meteorological
output grids are in MKS units, except as noted.  Operators using
PR_ functions are described in the GEMPAK PARAMETER APPENDIX.
All scalar and vector differential operators are valid in any map
projection for which the map scale factors can be computed.  At
present, this applies for the stereographic, cylindrical and conic
projections available in GEMPAK.  In the definitions below, only
the cartesian form of the operators is shown.  The general
curvilinear coordinate forms involving the scale factors are not
The operators which are designated for use in polar coordinates are
specific to that coordinate system. 
Algebraic and trignometric functions (angles are expressed in radians):
ABS   Absolute value          ABS  (S)
ACOS  Arc cosine function     ACOS (S)
ASIN  Arc sine function       ASIN (S)
ATAN  Arc tangent function    ATAN (S)
ATN2  Arc tangent function    ATN2 (S1, S2) = ATAN ( S1 / S2 )
COS   Cosine function         COS  (S)
EXP   Exponential to real     EXP  (S1, S2) = S1 ** S2
EXPI  Exponential to integer  EXP  (S1, S2) = S1 ** NINT ( S2 )
INT   Convert to an integer   INT  (S)
LN    Natural logarithm       LN   (S) = LOG (S)
LOG   Base 10 logarithm       LOG  (S) = LOG10 (S)
NINT  Round to integer        NINT (S)
SIN   Sine function           SIN  (S)
SQRT  Square root             SQRT (S)
TAN   Tangent function        TAN  (S)

ADD   Addition                ADD  (S1, S2) = S1 + S2
MUL   Multiplication          MUL  (S1, S2) = S1 * S2
QUO   Division                QUO  (S1, S2) = S1 / S2
SUB   Subtraction             SUB  (S1, S2) = S1 - S2

SLT   Less than function      SLT  (S1, S2) = S1 <  S2
SLE   Less than/equal to      SLE  (S1, S2) = S1 <= S2
SGT   Greater than function   SGT  (S1, S2) = S1 >  S2
SGE   Greater than/equal to   SGE  (S1, S2) = S1 >= S2
SBTW  Between function        SBTW (S1, S2, S3) = S1 > S2 AND S1 < S3

BOOL  Boolean function        BOOL (S)
MASK  Masking function        MASK (S1, S2) = RMISSD IF S2 = RMISSD
                                            = S1 otherwise
ADV   Advection  
      ADV ( S, V ) = - ( u * DDX (S) + v * DDY (S) )
AVG   Average
      AVG  (S1, S2) = ( S1 + S2 ) / 2

AVOR  Absolute vorticity  
      AVOR ( V ) = VOR ( V ) + CORL

BVSQ  Brunt-Vaisala frequency squared in a layer
      BVSQ ( THTA ) = [ GRAVTY * LDF (THTA) ] / [ LAV (THTA) * DZ ]
		      in PRES coordinates
      		    = -( RDGAS / GRAVTY ) * LAV (THTA) *
      		       ( LAV (PRES) / 1000 ) ** KAPPA * LDF (PRES) / 
			 LAV (PRES)
      		      in THTA coordinates
      		      DZ = change in height across the layer

CROS  Vector cross product magnitude
      CROS ( V1, V2 ) = u1 * v2 - u2 * v1

DDEN  Density of dry air ( kg / m**3 )

DDR   Partial derivative with respect to R
      DDR ( S ) is computed using centered finite differences, with
                backward or forward differences at the boundary.
                Polar coordinates are assumed, and ( R, THETA ) maps
                into ( X, Y ).
DDT   Time derivative
      DDT ( S ) = ( S (time1) - S (time2) ) / ( time1 - time2 )	
                  where the time difference is in seconds.	
DDX   Partial derivative with respect to X  
      DDX ( S ) is computed using centered finite differences, with
                backward or forward differences at the boundary.
DDY   Partial derivative with respect to Y  
      DDX ( S ) is computed using centered finite differences, with
                backward or forward differences at the boundary.
DEF   Total deformation  
      DEF ( V ) = ( STR (V) ** 2 + SHR (V) ** 2 ) ** .5		
DIRN  North relative direction of a vector 
      DIRN ( V ) = PR_DRCT ( UN (V), VN (V) )
DIRR  Grid relative direction of a vector
      DIRR ( V ) = PR_DRCT ( u, v )
DIV   Divergence  
      DIV ( V ) = DDX ( u ) + DDY ( v ) 
DOT   Vector dot product
      DOT ( V1, V2 ) = u1 * u2 + v1 * v2
DTH   Partial derivative with respect to THETA
      DTH ( S ) is computed using centered finite differences, with
                backward or forward differences at the boundary.
                Polar coordinates are assumed, and ( R, THETA ) maps
                into ( X, Y ).
FCNT  Coriolis force at the center of a polar coordinate grid
      FCNT  ( S ) can be computed only for lat/lon grids which have
                  been mapped to polar (R,THETA) coordinates and 
                  for which the center lat/lon have been stored 
                  with each grid.

FOSB  Fosberg index, also called Fire Weather Index. 
      FOSB ( TMPC, RELH, SPED ) is computed with an empirical formula
		using surface temperature, relative humidity, and wind
		speed at the 2 meter or 10 meter level, or the mix of
		the two. High values indicate high flame lengths and 
		rapid drying.  

FRNT  Frontogenesis  ( K / 100 km / 3 h )
      FRNT ( THTA, V ) = 1/2 * CONV * MAG ( GRAD (THTA) ) *
                         ( DEF * COS (2 * BETA) - DIV )
                         CONV  = unit conversion factor
                               = 1.08E4 * 1.E5
                         BETA  = ASIN ( ( - COS (DELTA) * DDX (THTA) -
                                            SIN (DELTA) * DDY (THTA) /
                                            MAG ( GRAD (THTA) ) )
                         DELTA = 1/2 ATAN ( SHR / STR )

GWFS  Horizontal smoothing using normally distributed weights 
      GWFS (S,N)  with theoretical response of 1/e for N * delta-x wave.
		  Increasing N increases the smoothing. 

HIGH  Relative maxima over a grid
      HIGH ( S, RADIUS ) where RADIUS defines a square region of grid 
      points.  The region is a moving search area in which all points 
      are compared to derive a relative maximum.
JCBN  Jacobian determinant
      JCBN ( S1, S2 ) = DDX (S1) * DDY (S2) - DDY (S1) * DDX (S2) 
KNTS  Convert meters / second to knots
      KNTS ( S ) = PR_MSKN (S) = S * 1.9438
LAP   Laplacian operator  
      LAP ( S ) = DIV ( GRAD (S) )
LAV   Layer average (2 levels)
      LAV ( S ) = ( S (level1) + S (level2) ) / 2.
LDF   Layer difference (2 levels)
      LDF ( S ) = S (level1) - S (level2)

LOWS  Relative minima over a grid
      LOWS ( S, RADIUS ) where RADIUS defines a square region of grid 
      points.  The region is a moving search area in which all points 
      are compared to derive a relative minimum.

MAG   Magnitude of a vector
      MAG ( V ) = PR_SPED ( u, v )
MASS  Mass per unit volume in a layer
      MASS = 100 * LDF (PRES) / ( GRAVTY * (level1 - level2) )
             The 100 converts mb to Pascals.  Level1 and level2 
             are also converted to Pascals when VCOORD = PRES. The 
             volume is expressed in units of m * m * (units of the 
             vertical coordinate).  This is an operand.
MDIV  Layer-average mass divergence  
      MDIV ( V ) = DIV ( [ MASS * LAV (u), MASS * LAV (v) ] )
MIXR  Mixing ratio
                            The units are kg/kg internally, but g/kg
                            on output.

MRAD  Magnitude of storm relative radial wind
      MRAD ( V, LAT, LON, DIR, SPD ) = DOT ( Vrel, R )
             where Vrel is the velocity minus the storm motion vector
             specified by DIR and SPD, and R is a unit vector
             tangent to a great circle arc from the storm center
             specified by LAT, LON to a grid point.

MSDV  Layer-average mass-scalar flux divergence 
      MSDV ( S, V ) = DIV ( [ MASS * LAV (S) * LAV (u),		
                              MASS * LAV (S) * LAV (v) ] )
	              Note: MASS is computed using the in-line
                            parameter values for V rather than those
                            for S.

MSFC  Psuedo angular momentum (for cross sections)
      MSFC ( V ) = NORMV ( V ) + CORL * DIST
                   DIST is the distance along the cross section
                   in meters. The units for the M-surface are
                   expressed in m/s.
MTNG  Magnitude of storm relative tangential wind
      MTNG ( V, LAT, LON, DIR, SPD ) = DOT ( Vrel, k X R )
             where Vrel is the velocity minus the storm motion vector
             specified by DIR and SPD, and R is a unit vector
             tangent to a great circle arc from the storm center
             specified by LAT, LON to a grid point.  k denotes the
	     local vertical unit vector.

NORM  Scalar vector component normal to a cross section
      NORM ( V ) = DOT ( V, unit normal vector )
                   If the starting point for the cross section is
                   on the left, the unit normal vector points 
                   into the cross section plane.
NMAX  Neighborhood maximum value for a radius of influence
      NMAX ( S, ROI ).  ROI is expressed in meters.
      Note:  Masking could be used [e.g., SGT(S1,S2)] to subset
      and filter the scalar grid (S) beforehand to allow for faster 
      Warning: The radius of influence should be chosen wisely
      on a high resolution grid where high computational costs could
      result.  Any negative ROI will be set to zero (i.e. at the grid 
      point) and half the distance in the X direction will serve as the 
      upper limit.  

NMIN  Neighborhood minimum value for a radius of influence
      NMIN ( S, ROI ).  ROI is expressed in meters.
      Note:  Masking could be used [e.g., SGT(S1,S2)] to subset
      and filter the scalar grid (S) beforehand to allow for faster 
      Warning: The radius of influence should be chosen wisely
      on a high resolution grid where high computational costs could
      result.  Any negative ROI will be set to zero (i.e. at the grid 
      point) and half the distance in the X direction will serve as the
      upper limit.

PLAT  Latitude at each point in polar coordinates
      PLAT ( S )  Note: only the header, which contains the center
                        latitude and longitude, is used.
PLCL  Pressure of the lifting condesation level
      Note: The temperature of the LCL must be  calculated as 
	    an intermidiate quantity.

PLON  Longitude at each point in polar coordinates
      PLON ( S )  Note: only the header, which contains the center
                        latitude and longitude, is used.

POIS  Solve Poisson eqn. of a forcing function with the given boundary values
      POIS ( S1, S2 ) where S1 is the forcing function grid and
                            S2 is the boundary value.
      The equation LAP (POIS) = S1 is solved for POIS.
POLF  Coriolis force at each point in polar coordinates
      POLF ( S )  Note: only the header, which contains the center
                        latitude and longitude, is used.
PVOR  Potential vorticity in a layer
      PVOR ( S, V ) = - GRAVTY * AVOR ( VLAV (V) ) * LDF ( THTA ) /
                          ( 100 * LDF ( PRES ) )
                   The 100 converts millibars to Pascals.
                   Units are Kelvins / meters / Pascals / seconds**3
		   (note that GRAVTY is included).  PVOR works on a layer
                   in PRES or THTA coordinates.  In isobaric coordinates,
		   the scalar operand, S, is THTA, THTE, or THES.  In
		   isentropic coordinates, the scalar operand, S, is
		   PRES.  Multiplying by 10**6 gives standard PV units.

PVR3  3-D Potential vorticity for a level
      PVR3 ( S, V ) = - CONSTANT * 3D-VOR ( V ) * 3D-GRAD ( S ) 
                   Units are Kelvins / meters / Pascals / seconds**3
		   PVR3 works on a level in PRES or HGHT coordinates.  
                   The constant used is GRAVTY in PRES and is inversly
                   related to DDEN (density) in HGHT.  The scalar 
                   operand, S, is THTA, THTE, THWK, or THES. The 
                   vector, V, has to be GEO or WND.  Multiplying 
                   by 10**6 gives standard PV units.
RELH  Relative humidity
RICH  Richardson stability number in a layer
      RICH ( V ) = GRAVTY * DZ * LDF (THTA) /
                   (  LAV (THTA) * MAG ( VLDF (V) ) ** 2 )
                   Note: DZ = change in height across the layer.
                   RICH  can be evaluated in PRES, THTA or HGHT
                   vertical coordinate.
ROSS  Rossby number  
      ROSS ( V1, V2 ) = MAG ( INAD ( V1, V2 ) ) / ( CORL * MAG ( V1 ) )
SAVG  Average over whole grid
      SAVG ( S ) = average of all non-missing grid point values
SAVS  Average over subset grid
      SAVS ( S ) = average of all non-missing grid point values in
                   the subset area
SDIV  Flux divergence of a scalar  
      SDIV ( S, V ) = S * DIV ( V ) + DOT ( V, GRAD ( S ) )
SHR   Shear deformation  
      SHR ( V ) = DDX ( v ) + DDY ( u ) 
SM5S  Smooth scalar grid using a 5-point smoother
      SM5S ( S ) = .5 * S (i,j) + .125 * ( S (i+1,j) + S (i,j+1) +
                                           S (i-1,j) + S (i,j-1) ) 
SM9S  Smooth scalar grid using a 9-point smoother
      SM5S ( S ) = .25 * S (i,j) + .125 * ( S (i+1,j) + S (i,j+1) +
                                            S (i-1,j) + S (i,j-1) )
                                 + .0625 * ( S (i+1,j+1) +
                                             S (i+1,j-1) +
                                             S (i-1,j+1) +
                                             S (i-1,j-1) )
STAB  Thermodynamic stability within a layer (lapse rate)
      STAB ( TMPC ) = LDF ( TMPC ) / DZ
                      in PRES coordinates.
                    = - ( RDGAS / GRAVTY ) * LAV (THTA) *
                        ( LAV (PRES) / 1000 ) ** KAPPA *
                          LDF (PRES) / LAV (PRES)
                      in THTA coordinates
                      DZ = change in height across the layer.
                      Units are degrees / kilometer.
STR   Stretching deformation  
      STR ( V ) = DDX ( u ) - DDY ( v ) 
TANG  Scalar vector component tangential to a cross section
      TANG ( V ) = DOT ( V, unit tangent vector )
                   If the starting point for the cross section is
                   on the left, the unit tangent vector points to
                   the right.
TAV   Time average (2 times)
      TAV (S) = ( S (time1) + S (time2) ) / 2. 			
TDF   Time difference (2 times)
      TDF (S) = S (time1) - S (time2)
THES  Saturated equivalent potential temperature in Kelvin

THTA  Potential temperature in Kelvin
      THTA  ( TMPC, PRES ) = PR_THTA  ( TMPC, PRES )
THTE  Equivalent potential temperature in Kelvin

THWC  Wet bulb potential temperature in Celsius

TLCL  Temperature of the lifitng condensation level

TMST  Parcel temperature in Kelvin along a moist adiabat 
                          where THTE is the equivalent potential
                          temperature at the input GLEVEL,
                          PRES is the pressure level at which
			  the parcel temperature is valid, and GUESS
			  is a guess-field calculated automatically.

TMWK  Wet bulb temperature in Kelvin

UN    North relative u component
      UN ( V ) = zonal wind component
UR    Grid relative u component
      UR ( V ) = u
VN    North relative v component
      VN ( V ) = meridional wind component
VOR   Vorticity  
      VOR ( V ) = DDX ( v ) - DDY ( u ) 
VR    Grid relative v component
      VR ( V ) = v
WNDX  WINDEX (index for microburst potential)
      WNDX (S1, S2, S3, S4) = 2.5 * SQRT (HGHTF * RATIO * (GAMMA**2 -
			      30 + MIXRS - 2 * MIXRF ) )
		TMPCS = surface temperature		= S1
		HGHTF = AGL Height of Freezing level 	= S2
		MIXRS = surface mixing ratio  		= S3 
		MIXRF = freezing level mixing ratio  	= S4
		RATIO = MIXRS / 12 if MIXRS < 12, = 1 otherwise

WSHR  Magnitude of the vertical wind shear in a layer
      WSHR ( V ) = MAG [ VLDF (V) ] / DZ
                   in PRES coordinates.
                 = - ( RDGAS / GRAVTY ) * LAV (THTA) *
                     ( LAV (PRES) / 1000 ) ** KAPPA *
                       LDF (PRES) / LAV (PRES)
                   in THTA coordinates.
                   DZ = change in height across the layer
                   WSHR can be evaluated in PRES, THTA, or HGHT coordinate.

XAV   Average along a grid row
      XAV (S) = ( S (X1) + S (X2) + ... + S (KXD) ) / KNT
                KXD = number of points in row
                KNT = number of non-missing points in row
                XAV for a row is stored at every point in that row.
                In polar coord., XAV is the average along a radial.
XSUM  Sum along a grid row
      XSUM (S) = ( S (X1) + S (X2) + ... + S (KXD) )
                 KXD = number of points in row
                 XSUM for a row is stored at every point in that row.
                 In polar coord., XSUM is the sum along a radial.
YAV   Average value along a grid column
      YAV (S) = ( S (Y1) + S (Y2) + ... + S (KYD) ) / KNT
                KYD = number of points in column
                KNT = number of non-missing points in column
                YAV for a column is stored at every point in that
                column.  For polar coordinates, YAV is the average
                around a circle. If the theta coordinate starts at
                0 degrees and ends at 360 degrees, the first radial
                is not used in computing the average.
YSUM  Sum along a grid column
      YSUM (S) = ( S (Y1) + S (Y2) + ... + S (KYD) )
                 KYD = number of points in column
                 YSUM for a column is stored at every point in that
                 column.  For polar coordinates, YSUM is the sum
                 around a circle.  If the theta coordinate starts at
                 0 degrees and ends at 360 degrees, the first radial
                 is not used in computing the sum.
AGE   Ageostrophic wind  
      AGE ( S ) = [ u (OBS) - u (GEO(S)), v (OBS) - v (GEO(S)) ]
CIRC  Circulation (for cross sections)
      CIRC ( V, S ) = [ TANG (V), S ]

DVDX  Partial x derivative of a vector
      DVDX ( V ) = [ DDX (u), DDX (v) ]

DVDY  Partial y derivative of a vector
      DVDY ( V ) = [ DDY (u), DDY (v) ]

GEO   Geostrophic wind  
      GEO ( S )  = [ - DDY (S) * const / CORL, DDX (S) * const /
                     CORL ]
                          const    S    vert coord
                          ------  ----  -----------
                          GRAVTY  ZMSL     none			
                          GRAVTY  HGHT     PRES			
                            1     PSYM     THTA			
                          100/RO  PRES     HGHT			
                          ------  ----  -----------
                          RO = PR_DDEN ( PRES, TMPC )
GRAD  Gradient of a scalar  
      GRAD ( S ) = [ DDX ( S ), DDY ( S ) ]
GWFV  Horizontal smoothing using normally distributed weights 
      GWFV (V,N)  with theoretical response of 1/e for N * delta-x 
		  wave.  Increasing N increases the smoothing. 

INAD  Inertial advective wind 
      INAD ( V1, V2 ) = [ DOT ( V1, GRAD (u2) ),
                          DOT ( V1, GRAD (v2) ) ]
ISAL  Isallobaric wind
      ISAL ( S ) = [ - DDT ( v (GEO(S)) ) / CORL,
                       DDT ( u (GEO(S)) ) / CORL ]

KCRS  Unit vector k cross a vector
      KCRS ( V ) = [ -v, u ]

KNTV  Convert meters / second to knots
      KNTV ( V ) = [ PR_MSKN (u), PR_MSKN (v) ]
LTRN  Layer-averaged transport of a scalar
      LTRN ( S, V ) = [ MASS * LAV (S) * LAV (u),
                        MASS * LAV (S) * LAV (v) ]
          Note: MASS is computed using the in-line parameter values 
                for V rather than those for S.
NORMV Vector component normal to a cross section.
      NORMV ( V ) = NORM ( V ) * unit normal vector

QVEC  Q-vector at a level ( K / m / s )
      QVEC ( S, V ) = [ - ( DOT ( DVDX (V), GRAD (S) ) ),
                        - ( DOT ( DVDY (V), GRAD (S) ) ) ]
	     where S can be any thermal paramenter, usually THTA.

QVCL  Q-vector of a layer ( mb / m / s )
      QVCL ( THTA, V ) = ( 1/( D (THTA) / DP ) ) *
                         [ ( DOT ( DVDX (V), GRAD (THTA) ) ),
                         ( DOT ( DVDY (V), GRAD (THTA) ) ) ]

RAD   Storm relative radial wind
      RAD ( V, LAT, LON, DIR, SPD ) = SMUL ( DOT ( Vrel, R ), R )
             where Vrel is the velocity minus the storm motion
             specified by DIR and SPD, and R is a unit vector
             tangent to a great circle arc from the storm center
             specified by LAT, LON to a grid point.
ROT   Coordinate rotation
      ROT ( angle, V ) = [ u * COS (angle) + v * SIN (angle),
                          -u * SIN (angle) + v * COS (angle) ]
SMUL  Multiply a scalar with each component of a vector
      SMUL ( S, V ) = [ S * u, S * v ]
SM5V  Smooth vector grid using a 5-point smoother
      SM5V ( V ) = .5 * V (i,j) + .125 * ( V (i+1,j) + V (i,j+1) +
                                           V (i-1,j) + V (i,j-1) ) 

SQUO  Vector division by a scalar.
      SQUO ( S, V ) = [ u / s, v / s ]
TANGV Vector component tangential to a cross section.
      TANGV ( V ) = TANG ( V ) * unit tangent vector

THRM  Thermal wind  
      THRM ( S ) = [ u (GEO(S)) (level1) - u (GEO(S)) (level2),	
                     v (GEO(S)) (level1) - v (GEO(S)) (level2) ]

TNG   Storm relative tangential wind
      TNG ( V, LAT, LON, DIR, SPD ) = SMUL ( DOT ( Vrel, k X R ),
	     k X R )
             where Vrel is the velocity minus the storm
	     motion vector specified by DIR and SPD, and R is a
	     unit vector tangent to a great circle arc from the
	     storm center specified by LAT, LON to a grid point.
	     k denotes the local vertical unit vector.

VADD  Add the components of two vectors
      VADD ( V1, V2 ) = [ u1+u2, v1+v2 ]

VASV  Vector component of V1 along V2
      VASV ( V1, V2 ) = [ DOT (V1,V2) / MAG (V2) ** 2 ] * V2
VAVG  Average over whole grid
      VAVG ( V ) = average of all non-missing grid point values

VAVS  Average over subset grid
      VAVS ( V ) = average of all non-missing grid point values in
                   the subset area
VECN  Create a vector grid from two north relative scalar components
      VECN ( S1, S2 ) = [ S1, S2 ]
VECR  Create a vector grid from two grid relative scalar components
      VECR ( S1, S2 ) = [ S1, S2 ]
VLAV  Layer average for a vector
      VLAV ( V ) = [ ( u (level1) + u (level2) ) / 2.,
                     ( v (level1) + v (level2) ) / 2. ]
VLDF  Layer difference for a vector
      VLDF ( V ) = [ u (level1) - u (level1),
                     v (level1) - v (level2) ]
VMUL  Multiply the components of two vectors
      VMUL ( V1, V2 ) = [ u1*u2, v1*v2 ]

VQUO  Divide the components of two vectors
      VQUO ( V1, V2 ) = [ u1/u2, v1/v2 ]

VSUB  Subtract the components of two vectors
      VSUB ( V1, V2 ) = [ u1-u2, v1-v2 ]

VLT   Less than function
      VLT (V, S) = V IF |V| < S

VLE   Less than or equal to function
      VLE (V, S) = V IF |V| <= S

VGT   Greater than function
      VGT (V, S) = V IF |V| > S
VGE   Greater than or equal to function
      VGE (V, S) = V IF |V| >= S

VBTW  Between function
      VBTW (V, S1, S2) = V IF S1 < |V| < S2

VMSK  Masking function        
                  = V otherwise