GEMPAK Manual | Programs | Parameters


     WCN is the ending valid time for the watch county notification(WCN), 
     the colors for the county bounds, a flag for plotting the start 
     and stop times, a flag for plotting the county names for the 
     WCN on the map, a flag to outline the county or union, a flag to
     fill the county or union, and a union flag.

        End time | Marker and outline colors | Time flag | Label flag |
                Watch number | Color code flag | Marker flag |
                Outline flag | Fill flag / fill colors | Union flag

     WCNs that are valid at the ending time will be plotted on the map.
     The ending time is given as a GEMPAK date/time string. Any missing
     items from the string will be filled in by the system time. The
     ending time may also be LAST and ALL. LAST will use the system time
     and plot all current WCNs. ALL will plot all the WCN in the
     data files, whether they are active, cancelled or expired.

     The colors are separated by a semi-colon.  If any color is set to 0,
     that type of symbol will not be plotted.  If any color is missing, a
     default will be used.  Defaults are cyan for thunderstorm, red for

     The time flag is YES or NO and controls whether or not to plot
     the start and stop times of the WCNs on the map. The default is NO.

     The label flag is YES or NO and controls whether or not to plot
     the county name of the WCNs on the map. This flag is not applicable
     when the Union flag is set to YES.  The default is NO.

     The watch number flag is YES or NO and controls whether or not to plot
     the watch number of the WCNs on the map. The default is NO.

     The color code flag is YES or NO, if YES, the colors are associated
     with the last digit of the watch number, otherwise, based on the
     weather type ( tornado or thunderstorm ).

     The marker flag is YES or NO and controls whether or not to plot
     the marker of the WCNs on the map.  If the input is missing, it 
     will be set to YES.  If a WCN is a "test" only, and markers are 
     selected, then a hollow marker will be plotted at the county centroid 
     to indicate this.

     The outline flag is YES or NO and controls whether to outline the 
     county or union. The default is NO. The outline colors are those
     specified previously.  

     The fill flag is YES or NO and controls whether or not to fill the
     county or union with the colors specified after the slash sign.
     The colors are separated by a semi-colon. If the colors are not 
     specified, default colors from the miscset.tbl will be used. 
     The default is NO.

     The union flag is YES or NO and controls whether or not to display
     the union of the counties.  If the union flag is YES, then the
     outline and fill flags apply to the union.  If both outline and fill
     flags are NO, and the union flag is YES, then the union will be
     outlined by default.  If the union flag is NO, then the outline and
     fill flags apply to the individual counties.