Table of contents Previous: Image Command Examples - Enhance/Colorize Next: Graphics and the Cursor - Basic Concepts

6 Graphics and the Cursor

Table of Contents:


Graphics are the line drawings such as maps, isolines, diagrams, or text displayed on an image frame. You can change the graphics color, line width, dash length, dash gap length, and dash gap color.


The cursor is a visible marker on an image frame that can be moved with the mouse. You can use the cursor to point to specific locations and then determine the coordinates. You can change the color, shape, and size of the cursor.

This lesson describes how to:

The following commands are used in this lesson.


CCODElists country codes
CURdefines the cursor size, shape and color
CWfills or erases graphics inside the cursor
DISTfinds the distance on a navigated frame
DMAPlists information about files
Elists earth, image and TV coordinates
ERASEerases graphics, images or entire frames
FRMSAVEsaves a McIDAS frame to a GIF, JPEG, PostScript, PPM, or BMP format file
GDdefines graphics display parameters
GUgraphics utility
IMGPROBElists or plots image data for a region of the displayed image
Kturns an image on and off
LVFlists virtual frame files
MAPdraws maps and latitude/longitude lines
PCpositions the cursor at a specific location
RVFrestores virtual frames saved with command SVF
Slists Metar, Synoptic and RAOB stations within the cursor bounds
SHOWVGdisplays virtual graphics
STNLISTlists weather stations
STNPLOTplots stations on a navigated frame
SVFsaves frames to a virtual frame file
TOWNSlists the U.S. towns closest to the cursor location
Wtoggles the graphics frame on and off
Ztoggles the zoom function on and off
ZAdisplays an annotation at the cursor
ZLMdraws graphics using the mouse
ZMsets the zoom factor to use with the Z command

Table of contents Previous: Image Command Examples - Enhance/Colorize Next: Graphics and the Cursor - Basic Concepts