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2010 Unidata NetCDF Workshop
This workshop and the associated materials are designed to give you an introduction to understanding netCDF, developing programs that use netCDF, and following Best Practices for making netCDF data most useful to others.

The workshop is divided into the following sections:

The workshop will loosely follow this schedule.
Overview of Unidata
Overview of Unidata software and services.
Overview of netCDF
NetCDF: its purpose, features, niche, intended users, and some alternatives to consider for storing and accessing scientific data.
The Two NetCDF Data Models
The classic and enhanced netCDF data models can represent many scientific datasets.
NetCDF Utilities
The netCDF utilities that are installed by default are ncdump, ncgen, nccopy, and nc-config.
CF Conventions
Overview of the increasingly important CF conventions.
Best Practices
Experience-based "best practices" for writing netCDF files.
Overview of IDV.
Introduction to the NetCDF APIs and Example Programs
A brief introduction to netCDF application programming interfaces and example programs.
10  Remote Access to Datasets Through netCDF-3
Introduction to the access of remote datasets using the DAP protocol through the netCDF-3 interface.
11  NetCDF-Java and THREDDS Data Services
Introduction to NetCDF-Java and THREDDS Data Services (TDS)
12  Formats and Performance
Implications of format on performance. Performance tips and pitfalls.
13  Introduction to NetCDF-4
Introduction to the netCDF-4 data model, APIs, format, compatibility, features, performance enhancements, and plans.
14  Using NetCDF: The Cooperative Arctic Data and Information Service (CADIS)
Overview (PPTX, PDF) of effort to convert heterogeneos ASCII files to netCDF as part of the CADIS project.
15  Using netCDF - NCAR Climate Data
NetCDF, NCAR's climate model data, and the IPCCpresented by Gary Strand.
16  NetCDF Data Models in Detail
The classic and enhanced data models from a developer's perspective.
17  Unidata's Common Data Model and NetCDF Java Library API Overview
The netCDF Java library provides another way to access and create netCDF data.
18  Chunking and Deflating Data with NetCDF-4
NetCDF-4/HDF5 data may be written in chunks for increased performance, and may use on-the-fly compression.
19  What NetCDF Developers Should Know About HDF5
An introduction to HDF5 for netCDF developers and data providers.
20  Using udunits
Using Unidata's udunits package: ODP, PDF.
21  Parallel I/O with NetCDF
Using parallel I/O can result in significant performance improvements in high performance computing applications.
22  Using Groups and NetCDF-4 Types
Introduction to use of groups and types in netCDF-4.
23  NetCDF-4 Interoperability
The netCDF-4 nteroperability features allow users to open some HDF4 and HDF5 files as if they were netCDF files.
24  libcf: A New Library for CF Conventions Support
Introduction to a new library for creating and accessing netCDF files compliant to the CF Conventions
Overview of the GRIDSPEC specification and library for representing shared grids.
26  The Future of netCDF
Short- and long-term plans for netCDF and libcf development, along with speculation about the future of scientific data access.


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