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Re: dcgrib2

Hi Chris, 

____________________________                  _____________________
Jeff Weber                                    address@hidden
Unidata Support                               PH:303-497-8676 
NWS-COMET Case Study Library                  FX:303-497-8690
University Corp for Atmospheric Research      3300 Mitchell Ln
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/jweber      Boulder,Co 80307-3000
________________________________________      ______________________

On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, Christopher Herbster wrote:

> Jeff et al.,
> Okay, this works just fine, but I thought from reading the
> documentation on dcgrib2 that it would do the whole file nameing part
> based on rules in the $GEMTBL/grib/gribkey.tbl file.

Yes and no, a template for dating convention needs to be specified..either
by line command or hard wired..

> Next question, is there a way to launch "ntl" with everything pointing
> to the right directories (based on my top-level path) - I can get garp
> to find the sat/radar easily, but I'd like to get nmap/nmap2 and nwx
> to see the text (and coded) data if possible.  can this be done
> successfully by just changing a few GEMPAK env variables?  If so,
> please let me know which ones....

You have no NWX data for ccs013 it is all in weather format..ugh, the bane
of collaboration. But you can "more" the files they are in ASCII text, but
no nice GUI..plus NWX currently cannot read data more than 48 hours old,
Chiz may be able to change that in the future if we can get COMET to
include NWX data instead of weather. I am attaching a GARP_Defaults file
to you in hopes that it eases your config issues..

> Thanks again for all the help!  We're starting to make some great
> progress in getting into the data.

Great, sorry for all the hoops and hurdles..

> Chris H.
> PS Jeff, we could really use some help getting our new computers
> configured properly (about 80 2GHz P4's)!  When can I expect you?  
> (-:

Next March...;)
# Garp configuration file
# The syntax needed in the file is:
#  token : resource
#  where: 
#         - token is defined as a string delimited by white space or
#           the delimiter ","
#         - the delimiter between token and resource is the :,
#         - no white space needs to surround the delimiter,
#         - comments are indicated by a #,
#           neither token nor resource can begin with a # or :,
#           however a # or a : can be embedded within resource,
#         - resource can contain white space if it is bounded by
#           the ' or " characters,
#         - blank lines are allowed.
#         - referbacks are indicated by $(...). The '...' is resolved
#           the same way any other token is, and is substituted for
#           the $(...) string to compose the final resource value.
#         - Multiple referbacks are allowed in a resource, but
#           embedded referbacks are not allowed  (i.e. no
#           $($(...)) allowed).
#         - case for the token is significant
# LOG:
# D.Himes/COMET 4/96    Beta dist version
# P.Bruehl/NWS  4/96    Documented, reorganized
# P.Bruehl/NWS  5/96    Added SD's keys for file names
# P.Bruehl/NWS  5/96    Updated for GARP release 0.1
# P.Bruehl/NWS  8/96    Updated for GARP release 0.2
# J.Cowie/NWS   10/96   Updated for GARP release 1.0
# S.Drake/COMET 1/97    Added keys for upper air profile object.
# P.Bruehl/NWS  1/97    Updated for GARP 1.03 release
# S.Drake/COMET 4/97    Added keys for 1.0.4
# P.Bruehl/NWS  4/97    Updated for GARP 1.04 release
# S.Drake/COMET 7/97    Added keys for GARP release 2.0
#  Data directory Structures
#  Case is important
#  Configure these to match your data directory structure
GARPHOME        : /pub/nawips-dv/comet/garp/

SATDIR          : $(METDAT)/images/sat
RADDIR          : $(METDAT)/images/radar
sao_dir         : $(METDAT)/gempak/surface
grids           : $(METDAT)/gempak/grids
upperair        : $(METDAT)/gempak/upperair

# Optional mesonet and ship data 
meso_dir         : $(METDAT)/gempak/surface
shb_dir          : $(METDAT)/gempak/surface
#  Profiler data 
profiler       : $(METDAT)/gempak/upperair

#  Provide extra information on the satellite data
#  List each individual satellite directory
#  Multiple entries are space separated
G7    : "$(SATDIR)/GOES-7"
#G8    : "$(SATDIR)/GOES-8"
#G9    : "$(SATDIR)/GOES-9"

#  sat, nids, and nowrad are the "keys" that are used to find
#  the image data directories
#  Be sure each individual satellite directory listed above is in
#  the "sat" key list
sat             : "$(G7) $(G8) $(G9) $(GINI) $(GMS) $(COMPOSITE)"
nids            : $(RADDIR)/nids
nowrad          : $(RADDIR)/nowrad

#  File name keys
#  These key values correspond to the "model" or "type" substring in
#  the file name convention for a given data type.
#  Surface data, upper air data, optional ship and mesonet data:
#  YYMMDD_"type".gem
#  Note, you must choose a unique key value to describe each data type.
#  For example the key "upa" will match ALL data filenames containing 
#  the string "upa".
upperairK       : upa
profilerK       : prf

# Dynamically generated menus.
# Models, Vertical coordinates, Color contours, Color fill tables, 
# Station Overlays, Image Maps, Geographical areas, Map projections, 
# Map gareas, FDF chapters, line parameters, vector symbols, x-sec
# vertical axes, vertical profile vert axes, time/height time axes.
# Models
# List all grids/models you want GARP to display.  Objective Analysis grids
# are OK.  Make up a name for "modellabels". The "key" should match a unique
# set of model files.
# NOTE: Be careful about having keys that might match more than one model set.
#       For example, the key "eta" would match YYMMDDHH_eta.gem *and* 
#       YYMMDDHH_mesoeta.gem which you don't want. A better choice might be
#       to use "_mesoeta" and "_eta".
modelkeys       : "avn.gem,eta.gem,meso,eta10km,mrf,ngm,ruc,rsas,rams"
modellabels     : "AVN,Eta,Meso-Eta,10km-Eta,MRF,NGM,RUC,Surface RUC,RAMS"
# Vertical coordinate keys for plan view.
vcoordkeys      : "pres,sgma,thta,hght,none,none,hagl,pagl,frzl,trop,mwsl"
vcoordlabels    : "Pressure,Sigma,Isentropic,Height,Surface,None,Hght agl,Press 
agl,Freezing Lvl,Tropopause,Max Wind Speed"
# Vertical coordinate keys for vertical profiles.
vpvcoordkeys    : "pres,sgma,thta,hght"
vpvcoordlabels  : "Pressure,Sigma,Isentropic,Height"
# List colors to be used for contour lines, symbols, etc. 
# Use no more that 10 GEMPAK colors in list.
colorlist       : "3,6,5,2,4,7,8"
# Color fill tables
#colorfillkeys  : 
#colorfilllabels        : "Table 1,Table 2,Table 3,Table 4,Table 5"
colorfillkeys   : 
colorfilllabels : "Cool,Hot,Table 1,Table 2,Table 3,Table 4"
# Font type, size and hardware/software flag
text_size       : 1.3
text_font       : 21
text_width      : 1
text_hw_flag    : hw
# Station overlays
stn_tables: "0,1,2,3,4,5,6"
stn_labels: "Surface Airways,WFO,NEXRAD,Wind Profiler,Upper Air 
# Surface station parameters
sfc_keys: "sao,meso,shb"
sfc_labels: "Hourly / METAR,Mesonet,Ship / Buoy"
sfc_tables: "sfcparms.lst,mesoparms.lst,shbparms.lst"
sfc_markers: "3,4,6,14"
sfc_marker_labels: "Triangle,Box,Diamond,Star"
sfc_filter: 0.8
# Image maps
# Background images that you can plot along with model and obs
# data.  You may have to manually select the color enhancement 
# (unidat_top) for these images.
# NOTE that these are IMAGES, and can't be combined (yet) with 
# other images such as satellite or radar data.  
# These images require 128 image colors.  To get this, you 
# must start ntl with 128 satellite colors.  This is the
# default in NAWIPS 5.4.
colormapdir     : $(GARPHOME)/map/areas
colormapkeys    : 
colormaplabels  : "GOES-8,GOES-9,North America,Northern Hemisphere,Southern 
Hemisphere,Hemisphere,Northern California,Virginia,Colorado,Central 
# Geographic areas
# You can now configure the regions, projections, and GAREAs of all the
# regions available under the AREA pull-down menu.  Here are some starting
# examples.  You may configure them.
MapLabels       : "DEFAULT,Northern Hemisphere,North 
America,CONUS,Northeast,Southeast,North Central,South 
America,Africa,Europe,South Pole,North Pole"

MapProjection   : 

MapGarea        : 

avn.gem_proj    : str/90.0;-100;0.0
avn.gem_garea   : 10;-130;50;-30
avn_ak_proj     : STR/90.00;-170.00;0.00
avn_ak_garea    : 50.00;-180.00;60.00;-110.00
eta.gem_proj    : str/90.0;-100;0.0
eta.gem_garea   : 10;-130;50;-30
eta10km_proj    : lcc/30.0;-100;50.0
eta10km_garea   : 23.0;-120.0;47.0;-65.0
mrf_proj        : str/90;-120;10
mrf_garea       : -10;-170;-10;10
ngm.gem_proj    : str/90.0;-100;0.0
ngm.gem_garea   : 10;-130;50;-30
ngm_ak_proj     : STR/90.00;-170.00;0.00
ngm_ak_garea    : 50.00;-180.00;60.00;-110.00
ruc_proj        : lcc/30.0;-100;50.0
ruc_garea       : 23.0;-120.0;47.0;-65.0
rsas_proj       : lcc/30.0;-100;50.0
rsas_garea      : 23.0;-120.0;47.0;-65.0
rams_proj       : lcc/30.0;-100;50.0
rams_garea      : 23.0;-120.0;47.0;-65.0
default_proj    : lcc/30.0;-100;50.0
default_garea   : 23.0;-120.0;47.0;-65.0

# FDF chapters. These chapters are subdirectories which can be used
# to discriminate between families of FDFs. For each list of chapters,
# you must also define a list of button labels.
# Scalar, Vector, XSScalar (scalar cross section), XSVector
# (vector cross section), THScalar (time/height scalar), THVector 
# (time/height vector), VPScalar (vertical profile scalar),
# VPVector (vertical profile vector).
ScalarChapter   : 
SCLabels        : 
VectorChapter   : general
VCLabels        : General
XSScalarChapter : general,macros
XSSCLabels      : General,Macros
XSVectorChapter : general
XSVCLabels      : General
THScalarChapter : general,macros
THSCLabels      : General,Macros
THVectorChapter : general
THVCLabels      : General
VPScalarChapter : general,macros
VPSCLabels      : General,Macros
VPVectorChapter : general
VPVCLabels      : General
# Model dialog line parameters.
linetypekeys    : "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"
linetype        : "Solid,Short dashed,Medium dashed,Long dash short dash,Long 
dash,Long dash 3 short,Long dash dot,Long dash 3 dots,Medium dash dot,Dotted"
labelfreqkeys   : "0,1,2,3,4,5"
labelfreq       : "No labels,Every line,Every 2nd line,Every 3rd line,Every 4th 
line,Every 5th line"
# Model dialog vector symbols. These symbols will appear as options
# when the "More" button is pressed for model dialogs.
vectorkeys      : "bm,bk,am,ak,an,st"
vectorsymbols   : "Barb (m/s),Barb (knots),Arrow (m/s),Arrow (knots),Arrow 
VertVectorkeys  : "bm,bk,am,ak,an"
VertVectorsymbols       : "Barb (m/s),Barb (knots),Arrow (m/s),Arrow 
(knots),Arrow (other)"
# Cross section vertical axis scale. Do not add additional axes.
yaxiskeys       : "log,lin"
yaxislabels     : "Logarithmic,Linear"
# Vertical profile vertical axis scale. Do not add additional axes.
vpyaxiskeys     : "log,lin,skewt,stuve"
vpyaxislabels   : "Logarithmic,Linear,Skew-T,Stuve"
# Time/height time axis scale. Do not change.
thtaxiskeys     : "R,F"
thtaxislabels   : "Increasing to left,Increasing to right"
# End of dynamically generated menus.

# Thermodynamic diagram settings.
# stndex - defines a list of stability indices and thermodynamic
#          parameters which are displayed on a thermodynamic diagram
#          (Skew-T or Stuve). See the GEMPAK variable STNDEX for a list
#          of valid  parameters and syntax.  Valid for upper air data
#          vertical profiles only.
# SkewtXAxis, StuveXAxis
#        - defines the GEMPAK "xaxis" parameter used when plotting
#          SkewT-logP and Stuve diagrams, respectively.  See the
#          GEMPAK variable XAXIS for syntax.  Valid for upper air
#          data and model data vertical profiles.
stndex          : selv;lift;kinx;totl;swet;lclp;lfcv;eqlv;cape;cins;brch
SkewtXAxis      : ///;1
StuveXAxis      : -100/30/20/1

# Widget defaults
# Choose default values for the model, vertical coordinate, levels,
# function, default fdf chapters, cross-section line, time-height
# station, vertical profile axis types, and radar ring station.
model           : eta.gem
vcoord          : pres
level1          : 500
level2          : 1000
fdf             : Temp_C
fdf_directory   : $(scalarfdf)/general
xsfdf           : Theta_K
xsfdf_directory : $(xsscalarfdf)/general
thfdf           : Theta_K
thfdf_directory : $(thscalarfdf)/general
vpfdf           : Temp_C
vpfdf_directory : $(vpscalarfdf)/general
cross-section   : vbg>nyc
time-height_stn : DNR
yaxistype       : log
vpyaxistype     : skewt
rring_stid      : FTG
upalevels       : Surface,1000,925,850,700,500,400,300,250,200,150,100,70,50,Top
upa_filter      : 0.5

# Auto Update. Set to yes or no. The update_timer is in minutes. Valid
# entries are 1 to 60.
autoupdate      : no
update_timer    : 5

# Time match type. Valid values are "strict" (meaning that a time interval 
# will be applied to the time match), "closest" (to match the closest time),
# and "none" (for no time matching). Time matching applies only to plan view 
# data.
TimeMatch       : none

# Times to put in date/time scrolled lists for model data. Generally, this
# should be "all" to present all model times but you could also set it to
# "analysis" to show only model analysis times.
TimesInList     : all

# Time match intervals in seconds for "strict" time matching. If the data 
# you are time matching lies within the time interval given below, a valid
# time match will be found.
SfcObsTimeInterval:     3600
UpaObsTimeInterval:     43200
RadarTimeInterval:      900
SatelliteTimeInterval:  3600

# GARP icon directory (do not change)
ICONDIR         : $(GARPHOME)/icons

# GARP html directory (do not change)
GarpHTML        : $(GARPHOME)/html

# Hypertext browser command and Starting URLs (or files).
# If the browser command is "netscape %s", and netscape is already running,
# then GARP will try and open the URL in a new netscape window. Otherwise,
# GARP will just launch the browser command listed. 
# (The %s is the URL placeholder.)
Browser         : "netscape -install %s"
UserGuide       : $(GarpHTML)/UserGuide.html
CaseStudies: http://www.comet.ucar.edu/pub_html/sac_html/casestudy/notice.html

#  Location of FDF (Field Description File) files
#  (Do not change, unless you have a different FDF directory)
fdfdir          : /dahl/nawips.ful/garp/fdf              # FDF Directory
valid_fdf_keys  : $(fdfdir)/valid_fdf_keys     # Valid keys file
scalarfdf       : $(fdfdir)/scalar/default     # Plan view scalar FDFs
vectorfdf       : $(fdfdir)/vector/default     # Plan view vector FDFs
xsscalarfdf     : $(fdfdir)/xsscalar/default   # Cross section scalar FDFs
xsvectorfdf     : $(fdfdir)/xsvector/default   # Cross section vector FDFs
thscalarfdf     : $(fdfdir)/xtscalar/default   # Time/height scalar FDFs
thvectorfdf     : $(fdfdir)/xtvector/default   # Time/height vector FDFs
vpscalarfdf     : $(fdfdir)/vpscalar/default   # Vertical profile scalar FDFs
vpvectorfdf     : $(fdfdir)/vpvector/default   # Vertical profile vector FDFs

#  Tables used for overlaying the location of certain station types
#  i.e. surface, sounding, profiler, NEXRAD sites, etc.
#  (Do not change)
tabledir        : $(GARPHOME)/tables

#  Color enhancement tables
#  Found in tabledir
#  (Do not change)
mastertbl       : master_garp.tbl
satenhancetbl   : sat_enhance.tbl
radenhancetbl   : rad_enhance.tbl
#  Map list table file (don't change)
maplisttbl      : maplist.tbl
# Minimum size of box (in pixels) before zooming occcurs.
# Keeps you from zooming by mistake.  Leave as is.
# Zoom box color. GEMPAK color number used when drawing the zoom box. 
# The zoom box will NOT necessarliy appear in this color, especially
# over images, since the color actually drawn is a combination of color
# indices. Leave alone unless the zoom box does not appear (is black)
# on some plots. (Color 1 is off-white)
minzoomboxsize  : 20
zoomboxcolor    : 1
# Dwell settings for animations
# You can customize the dwell settings for animations. The default
# dwell is used when you start GARP, and there are 5 pre-defined
# dwell groups available. Dwell settings are composed of three values;
# the first frame, intermediate and final frame pause. Values are in
# seconds. The speeds should get faster as you go from preset
# dwell 1 to 5. Also, you may change the min and max allowed
# values for the dwell settings on the slider bars. The internal
# defaults are 0 and 3 seconds.
defaultdwell : "0.60,0.10,0.60"
presetdwell1 : "2.50,1.50,2.00"
presetdwell2 : "1.20,0.66,0.90"
presetdwell3 : "0.90,0.33,0.60"
presetdwell4 : "0.60,0.10,0.50"
presetdwell5 : "0.20,0.05,0.20"
dwellmin     : "0.01"
dwellmax     : "3.00"

# Status bar item list and units
# This is the list of items that will be displayed on the status bar
# by default. Allowable items are:
#       clock           ticking clock
#       windowcoords    X,Y coordinate of mouse pointer
#       plotcoords      mouse pointer position in plotting coordinates
#       pixelvalue      image pixel value
#       distcalc        distance and range calculator
statusbaritems : "clock,windowcoords,plotcoords,pixelvalue,distcalc"

# You can default the units for image brightness temperature and distances
# in distance calculations. Internal defaults are "C" for temperature and
# "KM" for distance. Allowable values are:
# temperature: C, K or F  (Celcius, Kelvin, Fahrenheit)
# distance:    KM, MI, or NM (Kilometers, Miles, Nautical miles)
tempunits :     C
distunits :     KM

#  File name template strings.
#  Each component of the template strings must match up one for one
#  with the data directories defined above
#  Don't worry about matching up the "model" or "type" strings
#  Unless you've changed the Data Directory structures above,
#  you shouldn't have to change these lines.
nidsT  : $(nids)/%(site)/%(product)/*_@(YYMMDD)_@(HHNN)
nowradT: $(nowrad)/%(resolution)/%(product)/*_@(YYMMDD)_@(HHNN)
satT   : $(SATDIR)/%(platform)/%(resolution)/%(product)/*_@(YYMMDD)_@(HHNN)
gridsT    : $(grids)/@(YYMMDDHH)_*.gem
surfaceT  : $(surface)/@(YYMMDD)_sao.gem
upperairT : $(upperair)/@(YYMMDD)_upa.gem
profilerT : $(upperair)/@(YYMMDD)_prf.gem

# Lat/Lon Grid defaults.
latlon:         no      # lat/lon grid, yes or no 
latinc:         5.0     # latitude increment (degrees)
loninc:         5.0     # longitude increment (degrees)
label_freq:     2       # label frequency
gridlinecolor:  2       # line color (GEMPAK color number)
gridlinetype:   10      # line type (GEMPAK line types)
gridlinewidth:  1       # line width