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Re: CONDUIT troubles continuing

I've been debating whether to write just such an email. I don't want to sound complaining or whiney, and I know that steps are probably being taken behind the scenes to resolve the issue, but I have been approached now by several faculty and students wondering what is up with the data.

I was able to ftp yesterday's eta run from the ftpprd.ncep.noaa.gov server, so connectivity out of there at least is good to us.

If the issues with the CONDUIT stream are still unknown and may not be solved for a while, can we maybe rig up some alternate means of some of us ftp'ing the data and firing it out through an experimental feed or something?

I'll agree with Kevin's original statement from last week that incomplete data is of no value to us.


Arthur A. Person wrote:
All -

On Tue, 19 Jun 2007, David Ovens wrote:

CONDUIT users,

Does anyone know when we can expect to have the CONDUIT feed fixed?
The GFS and NAM have been incomplete and unreliable since Friday --
prior to that, the data has been extremely reliable and timely for
months.  I am sure we are not alone in using these data for critical
operational forecasts.

Ditto here. Can we at least get a status as to what the problem is and what steps are being taken to fix it?



David Ovens         e-mail: address@hidden
Research Meteorologist    phone: (206) 685-8108
Dept of Atm. Sciences      plan: Real-time MM5 forecasting for the
Box 351640                        Pacific Northwest
University of Washington          http://www.atmos.washington.edu/mm5rt
Seattle, WA  98195               Weather Graphics and Loops

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Arthur A. Person
Research Assistant, System Administrator
Penn State Department of Meteorology
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