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Re: [Fwd: Re: LDM ACL and new WOC server]

Pete Pokrandt wrote:

Sorry, lost this one in the shuffle.. I have just verified that I can ldmping ncepalpha-ssmc.woc.noaa.gov from idd.aos.wisc.edu and from f5.aos.wisc.edu (our backup ingest)

I do need both of my IP's (, - one is main, one is backup in case of a failure of the main.

Should I change to start ingesting CONDUIT data from the ncepalpha-ssmc server now or at some time in the future?




The ncepalpha-ssmc.woc.noaa.gov address is only a test address while the new system is being run in parallel. If you would like to test connectivity to the new machine you are welcome to. We expect to implement this machine on December 05, 2007, all existing NCEP addresses FTP/HTTP/LDM will be directed to the new machine, you won't have to make any changes.
