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[CONDUIT #NLP-275663]: SREF upgrade testing

Hi Carissa,

First, thanks for the successful testing this afternoon!

Second, please forgive my ranting about how _bad_ GRIB/GRIB2 is :-)
I should clarify that we believe that it is exceedingly bad as an
archive format due to the necessity of maintaining a history of accurate
GRIB2 tables with the data, and it seems that virtually nobody has 
such a set (meaning accurate) of GRIB2 tables (sigh).

Here is yet another example of why we don't like GRIB :-(

During our conversation, I commented that there was a field in today's CONDUIT
data for which there is no entry in the GRIB2 tables that 'gribinsert' is
using.  The reason that for the missing entry is that the parameter is
not defined in the online NCEP GRIB2 documents.  So, I am once again requesting
that you help figure out/contact someone who knows what the product really is.

The product in question is defined by:

 D#:   0
CT#:  19
ID#: 242
PD#    0


 D# - discipline
CT# - category
ID# - product number
PD# - product definition template number

ON388 - TABLE A  
has parameter definitions 0-26. Parameter numbers 27-191 are indicated to be 
and parameters 192-254 are indicated to be reserved for local use.  The local 
section of TABLE A defines parameters 192-222 and 223-234, inclusive.  Parameter
242 is not defined, so we have no idea of what it is.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: NLP-275663
Department: Support CONDUIT
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed