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Re: 19990629: starting LDM at boot up on dataproc

Unidata Support wrote:
>From: Unidata User Support
>Organization: National Center for Atmospheric Research
>Keywords: 199905101209.GAA20278 Unidata-SCD archive data

First, a question:

o is it necessary for the following directories to exist under the
  top level directory of the 'uniarch' FTP account:

  usr/     lib/     etc/     lib32/   dev/     bin/

  If not, could  you remove them?  Thanks.

These are necessary for the ftp to be contained only in that directory.  These
are the system files that let ls, etc work since the ftp user doesn't have access
to the rest of the system.

I'll let you know when the start files are done.


Pamela J. Gillman               | address@hidden  address@hidden
Supercomputer Systems Group     | http://www.scd.ucar.edu
Scientific Computing Division   | http://www.boulder.net/~gillman
NCAR                            | voice: (303) 497-1806
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