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19990915: McIDAS,WSI access via IDD

>From: weather <address@hidden>
>Organization: NMSU/NSBF
>Keywords: 199909151520.JAA06097 WSI NIDS


>I am sitting here trying to dial up WSI for radar images,
>intellicast.com is not working, with no luck.  We tried
>to get access to the NLDN data, but were denied because
>even though we are New Mexico State University, the domain
>name is nsbf.nasa.gov.  If we try to get access to the NIDS
>data do you believe the results would be the same, or do you
>think we have some chance of being allowed access.

I do not think that you will have any problems getting the NIDS
data from WSI as a Unidata participant.

>Also, can you tell me roughly what the cost would be?

The NIDS pricing information is available at:

Unidata WWW HomePage
  Data Stream Contents
    WSI NEXRAD Services Pricing

You sould be aware of a couple of things that are going on with NIDS:

o NIDS products are scheduled to be freely available by NOAAPORT (on
  a possible new 5th channel) in one year.  If this schedule is slipped,
  it will be slipped in 3 month increments.

o There are unencrypted NIDS products for several sites available on the
  NOAAPORT TG channel right now.  These reports are _supposed_ to be
  encrypted, but we havn't seen any sign of this lately.  The sites
  (between 12 and 14) are basically in the mid west and only have a subset
  of products available.  So far, I have seen:

  Base Reflectivity Tilt 1
  Storm-Rel Mean Vel Tilt 1
  Radial Velocity Tilt 1
  Composite Reflectivity
  Storm Total Rainfall
  Vertically Liquid H2O
o I just released an Addendum to McIDAS-X 7.60 that includes mods to
  my NIDS ADDE servers to support the NOAAPORT NIDS products (I
  will be working on the Addenda web pages today, but the new code
  is already out there.  Another set of mods allows 7.60 to be built
  on Redhat 6.0 Linux).  You can check out these products and the
  sites that are available by pointing to our ADDE server as follows:


  Do a DSINFO IMAGE RTNPNIDS to get a list of the descriptors for the
  products above.


Let me know what you think about the NOAAPORT NIDS products.

