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[Datastream #MTV-910920]: wind profiler data corruption issues

Hi Laurie,

> We are currently picking up wind profiler data through the IDD network.
> We had some problems with corrupt data files in July and August, however,
> the problem seemed to have cleared up in September.  We recently noticed that
> there are errors in the data again.  I have examples below.  The problem
> started sporadically on 10/25/06 and then increased in frequency on 10/30/06.
> It affects the 6 minute NOAA RASS and wind profiler data.

The previous report of problems mentioned only RASS products.  The response we
got back from NOAA/GSD (formerly FSL) was that the processing software that
creates the RASS netCDF files is old, unsupported, and will not be upgraded.
Your current report is the first instance (I believe) of an end-user report
of problems with the "standard" profiler data.

> Please let us know if there were any changes made recently to these
> datastreams.

The content of these datastreams is controlled at/by GSD.  Unidata has nothing
to do with the creation of the IDD products or their injection into the IDD.

> I am not sure what, if any, changes were made in September, but
> similar corruption problems seemed stop at that time.

I will attempt to verify that we are seeing the same corruption problems
in the "standard" profiler files.  If we are, I will report the situation
to GSD to see if they can trace down the cause of the problem and correct

> Thank you for your help.

No worries.

> Here are examples:
> e.g. for FSL.NetCDF.NOAAnet.windprofiler.06min.20063080406, there are errors
> for  beamNames:
> beamNames =
> "~\226v\231~\226v\231",
> "~\226v\231~\226v\231",
> "Vertical" ;
> For FSL.NetCDF.NOAAnet.windprofiler.06min.20063080412, there are errors for
> staName and beamNamed:
> staName =
> "B\023\\)\302\327",
> beamNames =
> "East    ",
> "Vertical",
> "\000\001#\206AZCN" ;

It would be most helpful if you could send us a few of the corrupted netCDF
files that you have received so we can take a look and compare against what
we receive.  Please send us the "standard" (non RASS) file(s) as GSD has
already commented that the processing of the RASS data is old, brittle, and
is not expected to be changed.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: MTV-910920
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: On Hold