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new mesonet available in West Virgina

MADIS mesonet users,

A new mesonet are now available from the MADIS testbed at GSD:
/West Virginia Department of Transportation/ (/"WVDOT"/) 15-min data from ~26 
stations in West Virgina
// <http://www.transportation.wv.gov/>

The READMEs, station tables, and desc files are attached, and are also
available in wfo/docs and wfo/LDAD/tables on our ftp server
(rftp.madis-data.noaa.gov).  Please let me know if you have any



670000|WV001|I-79 Elkview Bridge, WV                | 
670001|WV002|I-77 Exit 106 Eddens Fork, WV          | 
670002|WV003|I-64 Exit 58A Oakwood, WV              | 
670003|WV004|I-64 Exit 50 Institute, WV             | 
670004|WV005|I-64 Exit 47 Cross Lanes Interchg, WV  | 
670005|WV006|I-64 Exit 40 Crooked Creek Interchg,WV | 
670006|WV007|I-64 Exit 28 Milton Interchange, WV    | 
670007|WV008|I-64 MM 22.00, WV                      | 
670008|WV009|I-64 MM 16.87 Old Guyan Rd, WV         | 
670009|WV010|I-64 MM 5.32 Edgewood Overpass, WV     | 
670010|WV011|I-64 MM 2.30 Twelvepole Bridge, WV     | 
670011|WV012|I-79 Exit 99 Weston Interchange, WV    | 
670012|WV013|I-79 Exit 119 Clarksburg - Bridgep, WV | 
670013|WV014|I-79 MP 132.9 Benton Ferry's Bridg, WV | 
670014|WV015|I-79 and I-68 Interchange, WV          | 
670015|WV016|I-68 Exit 29 Hazleton Road Intrchg, WV | 
670016|WV017|I-70 Exit 11 Dallas Pike Interchng, WV | 
670017|WV018|I-81 Exit 12 WV45 & Winchester Ave, WV | 
670018|WV019|I-64 Exit 11 Hal Greer Interchange, WV | 
670019|WV020|SR 219 Tucker County, WV               | 
670020|WV021|US19 South @ New River Bridge, WV      | 
670021|WV022|US19 Mt Hope Exit @ CR 19/55, WV       | 
670022|WV023|I-64 Exit 133 Bragg Interchange, WV    | 
670023|WV024|I-64 MP 159 Over CR9, WV               | 
670024|WV025|US 460 Crumpecker Hill @ Shelter Rd, WV| 
670025|WV026|US19 Exit @ CR 19/5 Youngs Monument, WV| 
# wvdotmet.desc
# Last modification: 30 June 2005, MFB
# Data Source | Missing | Data Provider
#  (The first field in the line following this comment MUST 
#     lexigraphically match one of the entries in the first 
#     field of the LDADinfo.txt file or the data will not
#     be decoded and stored. SOD )
wvdotmet | -999 | WVDOT
---- Header Group ----
#  no header data 
#netcdf Var Name        data type   input units        stored units
---- Data Group ------
providerId            | STRING    | STRING           | STRING
observationTime       | DATE_TIME | DATE_TIME_STRING | ABSTIME
temperature           | FLOAT     | Celsius          | Kelvin
dewpoint              | FLOAT     | Celsius          | Kelvin
relHumidity           | INT       | %                | %
windSpeed             | INT       | m/s              | meter/sec
windGust              | INT       | m/s              | meter/sec
windDir               | INT       | degreeN          | degreeN
windDirMax            | INT       | degreeN          | degreeN
precipRate            | FLOAT     | mmph             | m/s 
precipAccum           | FLOAT     | mm               | mm
visibility            | FLOAT     | m                | m 
precipIntensity       | SHORT     | TABLE4           | TABLE4
precipType            | SHORT     | TABLE3           | TABLE3
WVDOT LDAD Instructions                        1/23/06

To access WVDOT csv data from MADIS, and incorporate it into LDAD:

- Ftp to rftp.madis-data.noaa.gov:

   ftp rftp.madis-data.noaa.gov       [e.g., account= CRP_madis_wfo, password= 

- Get the LDAD metadata files (*Station.txt and *.desc files).
  and put them into /data/fxa/LDAD/data:

  cd wfo/LDAD/tables     

  get WVDOTStation.txt           (Station table)
  get wvdotmet.desc              (Descrip file)

- Get the following script:

  cd ../../scripts

  get preprocess_madis.pl        (Preprocessor)

  Put preprocess_madis.pl into /awips/fxa/ldad/bin on px2 and make
  it executable.

- Add this entry to your /data/fxa/LDAD/data/LDADinfo.txt:

     wvdotmet |WVDOT     |87    |0   |CVS_TYPE |mesonet  |preprocess_madis.pl|

- FTP real-time data access:

  Access the data file on rftp in wfo/LDAD/mesonet/csv every 5 minutes, starting
  at minute 5, and copy it to /data/Incoming on your ls machine.

- LDM real-time data access:

  LDM users should add the following ldmd.conf entry (if you request
  data from a regional server, specify that server):

  request FSL5 "LDAD\.raw\.wvdotmet" ldm.madis-data.noaa.gov

  Make sure you have this entry in your pqact.conf file (with tabs between
  the fields):

  FSL5  ^LDAD\.raw\.(.*)        FILE    -overwrite      -close  

  The pqact.conf example assumes that you're running ldm on ls1, and
  therefore can put the CSV files directly into /data/Incoming.  If
  this isn't the case, you'll have to arrange for transfer to that

- Determine if you want this dataset, and/or any other mesonet datasets,
  in your hydrological database.  If so, get README.shef_encode from
  rftp, docs directory, and follow the instructions in that file.

  If you don't want any mesonet data in the hydrological database:

  Edit the /data/fxa/LDAD/data/LdadPatterns.txt file so that the line
  for the routerShefEncoder only specifies mesonets that don't exist,

     routerShefEncoder      .*(\.not_a_mesonet)\.decoded

- Restart ldad on px2.


The station table is updated on rftp once a week on Wednesdays,
sometime during Colorado business hours.  You should set up a cron job
to automatically download the new files.  In order to have maximum
control over the progressive disclosure on AWIPS, you'll need to run
the "station" localization task on your workstations every time you
update the file.  However, you can display the data (even with
progressive disclosure) without doing the localization.  For the
station table changes to take effect in the LDAD ingest you will have
to run the station localization task on px2, then restart ldad.

The descrip file doesn't change on a regular basis, but may change
occasionally if new variables are added, or the data provider changes
the format, etc.  We will notify you of any changes, and you can then
get a new descrip file from our ftp server, and restart LDAD to get
the changes to take effect.

Please address any questions to address@hidden.