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20140320: Impending changes to IDD FNEXRAD and UNIWISC datastreams

Users of Unidata IDD FNEXRAD and UNIWISC datastream products:

At or shortly after 0 UTC on Saturday, March 21 (18:00 MDT Friday),
the contents-of the Internet Data Distribution FNEXRAD (NEXRAD Level III
national composites) and UNIWISC (aka McIDAS, satellite imagery sectors)
datastreams will be updated with new products.

The previous source (creation point) for the FNEXRAD products was
motherlode.ucar.edu, and the source (creation point) for the UNIWISC
products was unidata2.ssec.wisc.edu.  Both datastreams are now being
created in a 64-bit CentOS 6.5 VM in the Amazon EC2 cloud.

The following is a brief overview of the contents of each datastream
with special emphesis on new or altered products:

FNEXRAD - NEXRAD Level III composites:

Product   Res   Cod  Type                Form   Status
National  1 km  N0R  base reflectivity   GINI   existing product
National  2 km  N1P  1-hour precip.      GINI   existing product
National  4 km  NTP  storm total precip. GINI   existing product
National  6 km  N0R  base reflectivity   GINI   existing product
National 10 km  RCM  base reflectivity   GINI   existing product
National  1 km  N0R  base reflectivity   GRIB2  existing product

National  1 km  DHR  base reflectivity   GINI   *new* product
National  1 km  DVL  dig. vert. liq H2O  GINI   *new* product
National  1 km  EET  enhanced echo tops  GINI   *new* product
National  1 km  HHC  hybrid hydro. class GINI   *new* product


- all products are updated every 5 minutes
- all GINI images are PNG compressed
- further information including sample displays of these Level III
  composites can be found in:

UNIWISC (aka MCIDAS) - Satellite Image Sectors:

Product                                         Res   Form   Status          
GOES-East Visible                               4 km  PNGA   existing product
GOES-East Shortwave Infrared                    4 km  PNGA   existing product
GOES-East Water Vapor                           4 km  PNGA   existing product
GOES-East Thermal Infrared                      4 km  PNGA   existing product
GOES-East Longwave Infrared (CO2)               4 km  PNGA   existing product 
GOES-West Visible                               4 km  PNGA   existing product
GOES-West Shortware Infrared                    4 km  PNGA   existing product
GOES-West Water Vapor                           4 km  PNGA   existing product
GOES-West Thermal Infrared                      4 km  PNGA   existing product
GOES-West Longwave Infrared (CO2)               4 km  PNGA   existing product
Antarctic Thermal Infrared composite            5 km  PNGA   existing product
Manually digitized radar                       10 km  PNGA   existing product

Global Mollweide Water Vapor composite         30 km  PNGA   higher resolution
Global Mollweide Thermal Infrared composite    30 km  PNGA   higher resolution
GOES-East HiRes Visible                         1 km  PNGA   *new* product
GOES-East/West NH Visible composite            10 km  PNGA   *new* product
GOES-East/West NH Shortwave Infrared composite 10 km  PNGA   *new* product
GOES-East/West NH Water Vapor composite        10 km  PNGA   *new* product
GOES-East/West NH Thermal Infrared composite   10 km  PNGA   *new* product
GOES-East/West NH Longwave Infrared composite  10 km  PNGA   *new* product
Arctic Visible composite                        4 km  PNGA   *new* product
Arctic Shortwave Infrared composite             4 km  PNGA   *new* product
Arctic Water Vapor composite                    4 km  PNGA   *new* product
Arctic Thermal Infrared composite               4 km  PNGA   *new* product
Arctic Longwave Infrared composite              4 km  PNGA   *new* product
Antarctic Visible composite                     5 km  PNGA   *new* product
Antarctic Water Vapor composite                 5 km  PNGA   *new* product
Global Rectilinear Water Vapor composite       20 km  PNGA   *new* product
Global Rectilinear Thermal Infrared composite  20 km  PNGA   *new* product


- update cycles vary by product
- all images are in a PNG-compressed McIDAS AREA format
- Global Mollweide WV and IR composites are now higher resolution and
  larger in size
- further information including sample displays of these satellite image
  sectors can be found in:

Potential impacts to end-users:

- the Global Mollweide composite products will be 4x the size/double
  the resolution of the ones that have previously been included

  This will likely require updates to users' automated processing
  routines (e.g., IDV bundles, McIDAS BATCH/MCB files, shell scripts, etc.).

- McIDAS ADDE dataset names on Unidata-maintained servers (e.g.,
  will be updated to the following:

Satellite Image Sectors:

RTIMAGES/ANTARCTICVIS  Antarctic Visible composite
RTIMAGES/ANTARCTICWV   Antarctic Water Vapor composite
RTIMAGES/ANTARCTIC     Antarctic Thermal Infrared composite
RTIMAGES/ANTARCTICIR   Antarctic Thermal Infrared composite
RTIMAGES/ARCTIC-VIS    Arctic Visible composite
RTIMAGES/ARCTIC-IRS    Arctic Shortwave Infrared composite
RTIMAGES/ARCTIC-WV     Arctic Water Vapor composite
RTIMAGES/ARCTIC-IR     Arctic Thermal Infrared composite
RTIMAGES/ARCTIC-IRL    Arctic Longwave Infrared composite
RTIMAGES/GE-1KVIS      GOES-East HiRes Visible
RTIMAGES/GE-VIS        GOES-East Visible
RTIMAGES/GE-39         GOES-East Shortwave Infrared
RTIMAGES/GE-WV         GOES-East Water Vapor
RTIMAGES/GE-IR         GOES-East Thermal Infrared
RTIMAGES/GE-CO2        GOES-East Longwave Infrared (CO2)
RTIMAGES/GW-VIS        GOES-West Visible
RTIMAGES/GW-39         GOES-West Shortware Infrared
RTIMAGES/GW-WV         GOES-West Water Vapor
RTIMAGES/GW-IR         GOES-West Thermal Infrared
RTIMAGES/GW-CO2        GOES-West Longwave Infrared (CO2)
RTIMAGES/GEW-VIS       GOES-East/West NH Visible composite
RTIMAGES/GEW-39        GOES-East/West NH Shortwave Infrared composite
RTIMAGES/GEW-WV        GOES-East/West NH Water Vapor composite
RTIMAGES/GEW-IR        GOES-East/West NH Thermal Infrared composite
RTIMAGES/GEW-CO2       GOES-East/West NH Longwave Infrared composite
RTIMAGES/GLOBAL-WV     Global Rectilinear Water Vapor composite
RTIMAGES/GLOBAL-IR     Global Rectilinear Thermal Infrared composite
RTIMAGES/MOLL-WV       Global Mollweide Water Vapor composite
RTIMAGES/MOLL-IR       Global Mollweide Thermal Infrared composite
RTIMAGES/MDR           Manually digitized radar

GLOBAL/WVCOMP          Global Rectilinear Water Vapor composite
GLOBAL/IRCOMP          Global Rectilinear Thermal Infrared composite
GLOBAL/MOLL-WV         Global Mollweide Water Vapor composite
GLOBAL/MOLL-IR         Global Mollweide Thermal Infrared composite

NEXRAD Level III National Composites:

NEXRCOMP/1KN0R-NAT     1 km N0R US Base Reflectivity Composite
NEXRCOMP/2KN1P-NAT     2 km N1P US 1-hr Precip. Composite
NEXRCOMP/4KNTP-NAT     4 km NTP US Storm Total Precip. Composite
NEXRCOMP/6KN0R-NAT     6 km N0R National Base Reflectivity Composite
NEXRCOMP/10KRCM-NAT    10 km RCM National Composite Radar
NEXRCOMP/1KDHR-NAT     1 km DHR US Digital Hybrid Reflectivity Composite
NEXRCOMP/1KDVL-NAT     1 km DVL US Digital Vert. Int. Liquid H2O Composite
NEXRCOMP/1KEET-NAT     1 km EET US Enhanced Echo Tops Composite
NEXRCOMP/1KHHC-NAT     1 km HHC US Hybrid Hydrometeor Class. Composite


  RTIMAGES/ANTARCTICIR is the new, preferred name

- RTIMAGES/GLOBAL-WV serves the same data as GLOBAL/WVCOMP;
  RTIMAGES/GLOBAL-WV is the new, preferred name

- RTIMAGES/GLOBAL-IR serves the same data as GLOBAL/IRCOMP;
  RTIMAGES/GLOBAL-IR is the new, preferred name

- GLOBAL/MOLL-WV serves the same data as RTIMAGES/MOLL-WV;
  RTIMAGES/MOLL-WV is still the preferred name

- GLOBAL/MOLL-IR serves the same data as RTIMAGES/MOLL-IR;
  RTIMAGES/MOLL-IR is still the preferred name

- the GLOBAL/WVCOMP and GLOBAL/IRCOMP images that have been served
  by the Unidata-operated ADDE server adde.ucar.edu will be reduced
  from previous instances by a factor of about 5 (20 km versus 4-5 km

Please send any questions or comments to Unidata Datastream Support

Best regards,

Unidata User Support