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Re: your mail

On 8 May 2000, Jason Burks wrote:

>      Robb,
>      I have some code that can be used to decode the strings read out of 
>      the netcdf files in a slightly different manner than your example on 
>      the support archives. This method uses the pack command. Just thought 
>      I would send you the code:
>      This example reads out the station name into @statName list which is 
>      decoded in the for loop and pushed into the @nameid list, an entry for 
>      each station. $length is the max length of the string.
>      ######################################################################
>      NetCDF::varget($ncid,$varidName,\@start,\@count,\@statName);
>      for ($counter=0; $counter<$#statName; $counter=$counter+$length-1) {
>          push @nameid, pack("C*",@statName[$counter..$counter+$length-1]);
>      }
>      ######################################################################


Yes, the pack code is a much cleaner solution.  Never thought of using it
until lately.  Will keep the code on-hand for future reference.



>      Thought you might be interested in this. This is an alternative to the 
>      code below:
>         for( $i = 0; $i <= $#STNS; $i += 4 ) {
>              for( $j = $i; $j < ( $i + $stn_name_len ); $j++ ) {
>                       $station .= chr( $STNS[ $j ] ) ;
>              }
>              print "Station = $station\n" ;
>              undef( $station ) ;
>         }
>      Jason

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden             WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/