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cdl file for eta ST

> >From: Todd Fake <address@hidden>
> >Subject: cdl files
> >Organization: University of Connecticut
> >Keywords: 200107031922.f63JMU118137 netCDF gribtonc CDL
> Hello,
> I would like to extract more information out of the grib files from the
> ETA ST forecast. The parameters I am most interested in are Evaporation,


I'm not familar with the eta ST forecast grib file so I couldn't give you
particular  details about it.  But, I believe the it's possible to create
a cdl file for the model with a little trial and error work using gribtonc
in verbose mode. First I would start with the eta.cdl file as a template,
then add the new parameters to the file.  The verbose output actually
specifies the parameter names so you will be able to add these parameters
until the output doesn't contain any error messages. This can be done from
the command line, ie

% gribtonc -vl - etasl.cdl output.nc < <raw grib file>

Look at the man page for further details.  After one creates the file, it
can be viewed via

% ncdump output.nc

The raw grib file can be view via

% gribdump <raw grib file>

After this process is complete one can remove unused parameters.


> Total Precipitation, Latent Heat Flux, Sensible Heat Flux, Upward
> Shortwave Radiation, Downward Shortwave Radiation, Upward Longwave
> Radiation, and Downward Longwave Radiation. If you could assist me to
> develop a cdl file that would extract this information I would
> appreciate it. 
> Thankyou,
> Todd Fake
> -- 
> ********************************************************************
> * Todd Fake                    Direct:      (860) 405-9067         * 
> * Dept of Marine Sciences      Admin Asst:  (860) 405-9151 or 9152 *
> * University of Connecticut    FAX:         (860) 405-9153         * 
> * 1084 Shennecossett Road      E-mail: address@hidden   *
> * Groton, CT  06340            Web: marinet.dms.uconn.edu          *
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Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden             WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/