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Re: 20031003: gribtocdl not writing data

On Fri, 3 Oct 2003, Unidata Support wrote:

> ------- Forwarded Message
> >To: address@hidden
> >From: Lori Thompson <address@hidden>
> >Subject: gribtocdl not writing data
> >Organization: NOAA
> >Keywords: 200310031240.h93CeHk1011045 gribtonc gribtocdl
> Hello. I'm using gribtocdl and gribtonc to convert grib files to NetCDF.
> The grib data files have 7 variables, 5 of which have a vertical
> structure. gribtocdl creates the cdl file and returns the message:
> Oct 03 12:38:02 gribtocdl[10036]: Starting Up
> Oct 03 12:38:04 gribtocdl[10036]: EOF on input
> Oct 03 12:38:04 gribtocdl[10036]: Exiting
> Oct 03 12:38:04 gribtocdl[10036]: 111 WMO msgs, 111 GRIBs decoded, 111
> written
> which contains the correct number 111. The cdl file writes out the lat/lon
> and time data correctly and has the correct metadata for the variables.
> However, the cdl file does not write out any data for the variables and
> ends with lat data.


I think you have a slight misunderstanding, gribtocdl just creates cdl
files with only data of the projection/lat/lon/etc.  To actually create a
netCDF file one has to use gribtonc with the cdl created by gribtocdl. ie

% gribtonc -l - your.cdl your.nc < your.gribdata

This will create a your.nc netCDF file. gribtonc also needs the ncgen
utility to create the template your.nc from the your.cdl. ncgen is
included in the netCDF package.  I wasn't quite sure of your question, let
me know if I misinterpreted it.


> I am running the utility on a Linux machine.
> Any suggestions on why this is occuring?
> Thanks,
> Lori
> ------- End of Forwarded Message

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden             WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/