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[netCDFDecoders #XHX-561360]: Perhaps a compile problem with netCDF Decoders Package


I forgot to mention that all the perl decoders expect the WMO input format. The 
format starts with a ^A and ends with a ^C. For the buoy data

655 ^M
SNVD20 KWBC 101400^M
44044 10141 99384 70765 46/// /3302 10226 20172 40083 91333 22200^M

So you would either have to make your input conform to WMO standard or modify
the buoy2nc to accept your input. Since it's perl it's easy to modify. 

Also, I don't think that there has been tests using the output from the buoy 
data in the IDV. I'll look at that today.


Ticket Details
Ticket ID: XHX-561360
Department: Support netCDF Decoders
Priority: Normal
Status: Open