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20010119: GEMPAK Programming


I compiled and linked your code and ran a quick test. I don't see the problem
you are describing. You might want to check that you are linking in the 
libraries and/or that your input grid file does not exceed the dimensions of
the grid arrays you are defining.

Here is what I ran:
% f77 -o testgem testgem.f $GEMLIB/gemlib.a $GEMLIB/appl.a $GEMLIB/syslib.a 

% testgem $MODEL/2001012912_eta211.gem 010129/1200f000 EMSL
      FLINQR (sref) 
      GDOPNF (sref) /data/ldm/gempak/model/2001012912_eta211.gem      
      GRSNAV (sref) 
      GDRDAT (sref) 010129/1200f000     EMSL        
 look iret   0

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support

>From: "Stacy N. Wehmeyer" <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200101192206.f0JM6Ie22041

>Content-Type: TEXT/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Content-MD5: zKotmFSJqJeD2NyKyCAOpA==
>We are working on a program to extract grids from a GEMPAK file based upon cod
> e 
>originally acquired from NCEP.  We have included the nascent program below.  A
> t 
>present, we are ingesting the file and attempting to write the contents out to
>the screen as a check.  The problem we are having is that when it runs, we get
>accurate output only for the gridpoint (1,1) a second non-zero value and zeros
>for the rest of the row.  
>We are wondering if we need to change NAVSZ, or some other variable, as our 
>coding seems fine otherwise.  Thanks for your time.
>Stacy Allen 
>Content-Type: TEXT/plain; name="pe-a.f"; charset=us-ascii; x-unix-mode=0664
>Content-Description: pe-a.f
>Content-MD5: yv9BFtM3VdCY/sKYsBavTw==
>      program pe
>C Program:      PE
>C Programmers:  P.S. Market and S.N. Allen
>C History:      Based upon a program acquired from Brett McDonald
>C               of NCEP.  His program addressed the import of
>C               precipitation data and fit it onto a 4km grid for
>C               use in GEMPAK.
>C Purpose:      Ingest 4 km precipitation data and 40 km ingested
>C               moisture data, sum the precipitation by 40x40 km
>C               bins to conform to the 40x40 km ingested moisture grid,
>C               and calculate a precipitation efficiency for a given MCS.
>C Last Edited:  02 January 2001
>C               11 January 2001
>      implicit none
>C xx1, yy1 - dimensions of output grid
>C xx2, yy2 - dimensions of input grid
>      integer xx1,yy1,xx2,yy2,gdsz
>      parameter (xx1=23,yy1=19,xx2=230,yy2=190,gdsz=01)
>      integer i,j,k,l
>      integer nestnum
>      integer iret,mode,igdfln,maxgrd,navsz,level(2),ivcord
>      integer igx,igy,ighdr(128),logscl,iofset,nbits,ipktyp
>      integer ieop,ianlsz,ihdrsz
>      real latrpp(xx1,yy1),lonrpp(xx1,yy1),latsref(xx2,yy2),
>     &     lonsref(xx2,yy2),irppinsref(xx1,yy1),jrppinsref(xx1,yy1)
>      real anl(128),rnav(256)
>      real grid(xx2,yy2), pptsref(xx2,yy2),pptrpp(xx1,yy1)
>      real datmin,datmax,res
>      real dxi,dyi,dxj,dyj,ck(13,13),cl(13,13)
>      real ni(13,13),nj(13,13),nestval
>      character gdfile*80,newfil*80,gdattm(2)*20,parm*12,inter*2
>      logical respnd,exist,wrtflg,rewrit
>C     open(unit=51,name='pts_sref2rpp.dat',status='unknown',
>C    &     form='unformatted')
>C     read(51)latrpp,lonrpp,latsref,lonsref,
>C    &        irppinsref,jrppinsref
>C     close(51)
>      write(6,*)'     IP_INIT'
>      call ip_init(respnd,iret)
>      if (iret.ne.0) stop 1
>      write(6,*)'     GG_INIT'
>      mode = 1
>      call gg_init(mode,iret)
>      if (iret.ne.0) stop 2
>      call getarg(1,gdfile)
>      write(6,*)'     FLINQR (sref) ',gdfile
>      call fl_inqr( gdfile, exist,  newfil, iret)
>      if (iret.ne.0) stop 3
>      if (exist) then
>       write(6,*)'     GDOPNF (sref) ',gdfile(1:50)
>       wrtflg = .false.
>       call gd_opnf( gdfile, wrtflg, igdfln, navsz,  rnav,
>     &               ianlsz, anl,    ihdrsz, maxgrd, iret )
>       if (iret.ne.0) stop 4
>       write(6,*)'     GRSNAV (sref) '
>       navsz = 256
>       call gr_snav(navsz,rnav,iret)
>       if (iret.ne.0) stop 5
>       call getarg(2,gdattm(1))
>       gdattm(2) = '                    '
>       level(1) = 0
>       level(2) = -1
>       ivcord = 0
>       call getarg(3,parm)
>       write(6,*)'     GDRDAT (sref) ',gdattm(1),parm
>       call gd_rdat(igdfln,gdattm,level,ivcord,parm,grid,igx,igy,
>     &              ighdr,iret)
>       if (iret.ne.0) stop 6
>       do i = 1,xx1
>        do j = 1,yy1
>         pptsref(i,j) = grid(i,j)
>         write(6,*) pptsref(i,j)
>        enddo
>       enddo
>       write(6,*)'     GDCLOS (sref)'
>       call gd_clos(igdfln,iret)
>       if (iret.ne.0) stop 7
>      else
>       write(6,*)'       GRIDDED FILE DOES NOT EXIST: ',gdfile(1:50)
>       stop 8
>      endif
>      stop
>      end