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20020110: 20010821: Gempak, Perl, and Gemplt errors


I'm off tp the AMS in Orlando, so can't look at your question
too closely.

As for the locking scripts I have, I touch a unique file with the process ID,
like .inuse.$$ ($$ is the csh process ID) but use the output from 
"ls -rt | head -1" to get the oldest lock file. I don't rely on process
numbers increasing (since they will wrap around every so often).

set LOCK=.inuse.$$
touch $LOCK

@ COUNT = 0
set TEST=`ls -rt .inuse.* | head -1`
while(($TEST != $LOCK)&&($COUNT < 61))
sleep 10
   set TEST=`ls -rt .inuse.* | head -1`
   if($COUNT == 60) then
      echo "Please check `hostname` on $TEST for nids generation $SITE $TYPE 
$DATTIM" | \
         /usr/bin/mailx -s NIDS chiz
      rm $LOCK
      exit 0
   @ COUNT = $COUNT + 1

In the case above, I limit the total number of times I will wait, and exit
if there appears to be a problem otherwise processes could build up.
Optionally, I can remove the old .lock file in the script and kill the process
in the script.

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User SUpport

>From: Sean Daida <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200201102255.g0AMtwN20059

>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Hi there Steve,
>Ok last time I hope.
>I was thinking about how the PID's were handed out and watched the processes
>some.  I realized that most of the time the PID's were generally higher for th
> ose
>created later and lower for those created earlier.  But this was not always th
> e
>case.  I saw instances where a new process had a lower PID than an older one. 
>  If
>I understand the logic of my initial scripts sent to you, this would fool the
>script into allowing more than one gempak instance to run.  For this to happen
> ,
>the older PID would have to pass the "while" statement and let the gempak prog
> ram
>run.  While that gempak system call is processing, the newer request is made w
> ith
>a lower number PID.  It, seeing itself at the top of the list, happily starts
>running a second instance of a gempak program.  Even with this hole, I have fo
> und
>the scripts run from the cron are much more stable.  Still, I felt that I shou
> ld
>make it stronger.  The modification I added to the process lock script checks 
> for
>the lock file modification time and sorts on that so that the processes are on
> ly
>allowed to run in the order of lock file creation, not by the order that the P
> ID's
>happen to be handed out in.  Using the PID is still useful in maintaining
>uniqueness of each process.  Does that make any sense?  =)
>Anyway here is hopefully the last version of my perl scriptlette:
>#[previous stuff]
>#create process lock
>$count = 0;
>$lockdir = "/home/hokukea/rknabb/gempak/gemlock/tutt19";
>$pid = $$;
>opendir DIRECTORY, $lockdir;
>@filelist = grep { /^\.inuse/ && -f "$lockdir/$_" } readdir DIRECTORY;
>closedir DIRECTORY;
>foreach $file(@filelist) {
>  $filedate[$count2] = (stat($file))[9].$file;
>  $count2++;
>@filedate = sort(@filedate);
>while ( substr($filedate[0],10) ne $gemlock && $count < 61 ) {
>  sleep 1;
>  if ( $count > 60 ) { unlink("$lockdir/$gemlock") ; die; }
>  @filelist = 0 ; @filedate = 0;
>  opendir DIRECTORY, $lockdir;
>  @filelist = grep { /^\.inuse/ && -f"$lockdir/$_"} readdir DIRECTORY;
>  closedir DIRECTORY;
>  $count2 = 0;
>  foreach $file(@filelist) {
>    $filedate[$count2] = (stat($file))[9].$file;
>    $count2++;
>  }
>  @filedate = sort(@filedate);
>  $count++;
>#gempak program goes here!
>#clear process lock
>#[later stuff]
>Thanks again Seve and happy new year!
>Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
><!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
>Hi there Steve,
><p>Ok last time I hope.
><p>I was thinking about how the PID's were handed out and watched the processe
> s
>some.&nbsp; I realized that most of the time the PID's were generally higher
>for those created later and lower for those created earlier.&nbsp; But
>this was not always the case.&nbsp; I saw instances where a new process
>had a lower PID than an older one.&nbsp; If I understand the logic of my
>initial scripts sent to you, this would fool the script into allowing more
>than one gempak instance to run.&nbsp; For this to happen, the older PID
>would have to pass the "while" statement and let the gempak program run.&nbsp;
>While that gempak system call is processing, the newer request is made
>with a lower number PID.&nbsp; It, seeing itself at the top of the list,
>happily starts running a second instance of a gempak program.&nbsp; Even
>with this hole, I have found the scripts run from the cron are much more
>stable.&nbsp; Still, I felt that I should make it stronger.&nbsp; The modifica
> tion
>I added to the process lock script checks for the lock file modification
>time and sorts on that so that the processes are only allowed to run in
>the order of lock file creation, not by the order that the PID's happen
>to be handed out in.&nbsp; Using the PID is still useful in maintaining
>uniqueness of each process.&nbsp; Does that make any sense?&nbsp; =)
><p>Anyway here is hopefully the last version of my perl scriptlette:
><p><tt>#[previous stuff]</tt>
><p><tt>#create process lock</tt>
><br><tt>$count = 0;</tt>
><br><tt>$lockdir = "/home/hokukea/rknabb/gempak/gemlock/tutt19";</tt>
><br><tt>$pid = $$;</tt>
><br><tt>opendir DIRECTORY, $lockdir;</tt>
><br><tt>@filelist = grep { /^\.inuse/ &amp;&amp; -f "$lockdir/$_" } readdir
><br><tt>closedir DIRECTORY;</tt>
><br><tt>foreach $file(@filelist) {</tt>
><br><tt>&nbsp; $filedate[$count2] = (stat($file))[9].$file;</tt>
><br><tt>&nbsp; $count2++;</tt>
><br><tt>@filedate = sort(@filedate);</tt>
><br><tt>while ( substr($filedate[0],10) ne $gemlock &amp;&amp; $count &lt;
>61 ) {</tt>
><br><tt>&nbsp; sleep 1;</tt>
><br><tt>&nbsp; if ( $count > 60 ) { unlink("$lockdir/$gemlock") ; die;
><br><tt>&nbsp; @filelist = 0 ; @filedate = 0;</tt>
><br><tt>&nbsp; opendir DIRECTORY, $lockdir;</tt>
><br><tt>&nbsp; @filelist = grep { /^\.inuse/ &amp;&amp; -f"$lockdir/$_"}
>readdir DIRECTORY;</tt>
><br><tt>&nbsp; closedir DIRECTORY;</tt>
><br><tt>&nbsp; $count2 = 0;</tt>
><br><tt>&nbsp; foreach $file(@filelist) {</tt>
><br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; $filedate[$count2] = (stat($file))[9].$file;</tt>
><br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; $count2++;</tt>
><br><tt>&nbsp; }</tt>
><br><tt>&nbsp; @filedate = sort(@filedate);</tt>
><br><tt>&nbsp; $count++;</tt>
><p><tt>#gempak program goes here!</tt>
><p><tt>#clear process lock</tt>
><p><tt>#[later stuff]</tt><tt></tt>
><p><tt>Thanks again Seve and happy new year!</tt>