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Re: IDD Connection Re-alignment Request

Hi Rob,

I am not "seeing":


on our stats page:


Can you please insert the line:

exec    "rtstats -h rtstats.unidata.ucar.edu"


/opt/ldm/etc% more ldmd.conf
# $Id: ldmd.conf,v 1.2 2005/02/01 19:00:23 ldm Exp ldm $
# Sample ldmd.conf for ldm5

# Programs that share a queue with rpc.ldmd
# are started by it and are in the same process group.
exec    "rtstats -h rtstats.unidata.ucar.edu"


in your ldmd.conf file as indicated above.

I will now attempt to coordinate your feed from FNMOC.


Jeff Weber                                    address@hidden        :
Unidata Program Center                        PH:303-497-8676        :
University Corp for Atmospheric Research      3300 Mitchell Ln       :
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/jweber      Boulder,Co 80307-3000  :

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005, Rob Cermak wrote:

> Rorik/Jeff,
> We are ready to take over as a main feed of FNMOC|HDS for you.
> Currently, yukon.net.images.alaska.edu obtains FNMOC|HDS from?  Then, we
> (daved.ims.uaf.edu) pull from yukon.net.images.alaska.edu.
> The new arrangement is that daved.ims.uaf.edu pulls FNMOC|HDS from
> yukon.net.images.alaska.edu's source.   Then, yukon.net.images.alaska.edu
> pulls from daved.ims.uaf.edu.  Reverse roles as it stands now.
> Jeff, I think daved needs a source site for FNMOC|HDS and I'll coordinate
> with Rorik on a rollover date to swap our feeds around.  The only changes
> to the GI firewall would be to drop penguin.sfos.uaf.edu
> (;port 388) add daved.ims.uaf.edu (; port 388).
> daved.ims.uaf.edu is currently setup to obtain:
> IDS|DDPLUS|CONDUIT      rossby.met.sjsu.edu
> not sure if yukon.net.images.alaska.edu uses the same source site.
> Whatever works for the IDD topography we will go with.
> Thanks!
> Rob
> On Wed, 10 Nov 2004, Rorik Peterson wrote:
> > Rob,
> >     We don't have an active person maintaining the LDM/IDD stuff, as the
> > Puff project is currently in a holding pattern until we find some more
> > people and funding.  I try to check occassionally that things are still
> > working as expected, but that is weekly at best.  If you are willing to
> > feed me any of the above 3 streams you're getting, that's great. Our
> > machine is usually one of the top 5 bandwidth users at UAF, after some
> > of the dorms with all their peer-to-peer filesharing, as the NOGAPS
> > feeds is over a GB a day.  I'd be happy to get off that list.
> >     On the other hand, if your just testing the waters of whether there is
> > anything on the IDD you want and might abandon it sometime, we could
> > easily feed your machine and take in DDSPLUS, etc. Just be sure to set
> > up a failover in case our system goes down and I'm not watching.
> >
> > rorik