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[IDD #YCW-696724]: Receive IDD Data Request

> Hi again,
> I decided that I should go with the push methods.
> Is it possible to get METAR, NDFD, Warnings and Alerts, NEXrad, and
> Satellite imaging?
> Part of my project is making sure I have the latest data, that is when
> I decided I would like to use the IDD.
> Please let me know if its possible to get IDD. I am very interested in
> it for getting the latest information.
> Thanks,
> Chris Zenzel
Hi Chris, 

OK, sounds like you want to go the IDD/LDM route. As mentioned earlier, we will 
now contact some of our university sites near your locale to see if they would 
be willing to establish a feed to you. There is NO guarantee that one will be 
willing, we will give it good effort. The university would offer its bandwidth 
and support for your feed(s). We encourage science and research, so I hope we 
can find a willing site.

FYI- there is only about a 1-5 minute difference (depending upon processing, 
etc) from access via a THREDDS catalog vs getting it pushed via IDD.


MacOS-X 10.5 is the same OS that is causing serious
problems at some of our sies and has been verified here at the Unidata Program 
-- the LDM will run fine for awhile and then stop ingesting data for some 
unknown reason.
A site representative was recruited into the MacOS-X 10.5 investigations 
because he has
direct input to Apple developers on problems he finds.

Unidata has actually refrained from releasing LDM-6.7.0 until a fix/workaround 
is developed
by Apple.

We suspect you may likely suffer the same problems as are
being experienced by others and us.

MacOS-X 10.4 (Panther) did _not_ exhibit the problem that is being seen on 
MacOS-X 10.5.


Jeff Weber
Jeff Weber
Unidata User Support

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: YCW-696724
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Open