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[IDV #CIK-854203]: RE: [idvdevelopers] 20090714: Update to IDV 2.7u1

> Hi Jeff,
> > Can you send in an example csv file?
> As attached. Just tried adding the units to column 11 (E0 "mm"), and IDV
> complains cause this is not a CF-1.0 compliant variable name. Adding an
> alias and/or parameter default doesn't help either.

I can load in the point data ok. The problem you might have had is if you are 
running the IDV and loaded the CSV before you added the unit. Then if you 
change the unit in the file and then reload the csv file you will get an error. 

Where did you get the error about it not being a CF-1.0 compliant variable name?

> Another question:
> I have multiple fields from a jython procedure (as attached). Currently,
> I can only display on at time in the form of Time series/Data probe.
> Adding another means the whole jython procedure has to run again. Would
> it be possible to return an array of fields to the Time series/Data
> probe, each considered as one 'parameter'?

That would require a big change to how the data probe display works. 

> In relation to the above: adding a second parameter to an existing Time
> series/Data probe makes the jython procedure to run twice: ones for the
> 'new' param, and then it also recalculates the existing param. This is
> not only time consuming but also comes with an error (line 0, name
> error: [name_jython_function]). IDV seems not 'see. any jython code in
> the library. Workaround: cut & save & paste & save all jython code.
I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. 


Ticket Details
Ticket ID: CIK-854203
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open